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Thread: crashed my estrogen, need advice (lethargy, achy joints, low libido)

  1. #1

    crashed my estrogen, need advice (lethargy, achy joints, low libido)

    currently running 700mg test E/week. im in the 8th week. week 5 i noticed puffy nipples so i ran torem 60/day and aromasin 25mg/day for about a week. after a week of this i started noticing
    bad mood/lethargy/lower libido/joint pain when lifting so i lowered the aromasin dosage. But the low estrogen side effects did not improve so i stopped the aromasin altogether 3 days ago. torem dosage has stayed the same.

    could the toremifene be causing these sides or is that not possible since its a SERM?

    my plan is to stay off the aromasin and see if that helps, and if it hasnt improved within a week then go off the torem for a little while to see if thats the culprit. i would then go back on torem at a low dose to prevent gyno. this a good plan?

    any advice for getting my estrogen levels in the right zone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    post proelia praemia
    get off both of them

    whp advised you to run these dosages? very excessive i.m.o and in turn your estrogen has crashed

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    a lil over kill you shouldve just hit it up with some nova bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    just back off the serm/ai for a day or two then add some back in at a lower dose and adjust. unless you can afford daily blood labs you just have to adjust your dosing until you find your sweet spot. that is all bro science but the best we have.

  5. #5
    thanks for help guys.

    so the SERM can give these sides even though it doesnt actually eliminate estrogen?

    any idea how long before i return to normal?

  6. #6
    bump. anyone know?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    South Jersey
    No the serm can not give these sides, and you should keep running it, since you are coming off the aromasin your estrogen will spike. Estrogen and E2 are two different things. You crashed your E2 not your Estrogen....stay off the AI and keep running the tamox for a couple weeks, with that much Test your E2 should come back by end of 2nd week, but everybody aromatizes test differently so its hard to say. You will know when it happens though.

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