currently running 700mg test E/week. im in the 8th week. week 5 i noticed puffy nipples so i ran torem 60/day and aromasin 25mg/day for about a week. after a week of this i started noticing
bad mood/lethargy/lower libido/joint pain when lifting so i lowered the aromasin dosage. But the low estrogen side effects did not improve so i stopped the aromasin altogether 3 days ago. torem dosage has stayed the same.
could the toremifene be causing these sides or is that not possible since its a SERM?
my plan is to stay off the aromasin and see if that helps, and if it hasnt improved within a week then go off the torem for a little while to see if thats the culprit. i would then go back on torem at a low dose to prevent gyno. this a good plan?
any advice for getting my estrogen levels in the right zone?