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Thread: What you Say About 1DECA200+1Sustanon+D-Bol FOR First cycle?(but old in bodybuilding)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Question What you Say About 1DECA200+1Sustanon+D-Bol FOR First cycle?(but old in bodybuilding)

    Please Pros What you think about my FIRST CYCLE :

    8 Sustanon 250
    6 Deca 200
    150 tablets D-Bol(5mg).

    DECA.........week 1 - 6
    SUSTA.......week1 - 8
    D-Bol 30mg/ed week 1 and 2 D-Bol than 20mg/ed week 3 and 4

    Than PTC Nolva + Proviron (depending to the side effects)

    I AM :
    26 year old

    At list 3 years serious training

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    1. that's a bad cycle idea. first cycle should be testosterone only.
    2. proviron is a bad idea for PCT. PCT consists of clomid and nolvadex
    3. you have to use an AI on cycle. if you don't know what AI means, research aromatase inhibitors
    4. your height/weight ratio tells me that you need to work on your diet, then jump on steroids.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    i should not use deca .
    but i will keep using D-Bol
    as you see i realy need some weight i hope get 85Kg with minimum fat
    with 1set/12reps for my chest for example is better than my friend's workout . I work realy hard in the gym.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    There is no point cycling to get to your desired weight as it is your diet that is seriously holding you back, yeah you might blow up even add 10kg but you will go straight back to 68kg if yo uhave no taken the time to learn how to eat.

    I was in a very similar situation and weight when I joined and listen to the guys here spending the next 12 months dialing in my diet before jumping on a cycle and very glad that I did.

    Hope you take this on board


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    about my diet i know what to eat : egg checken

    and Protein pouder "Pro Complex Gainer"
    amino Acids
    all in Program for 3 Months

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by AliasNad View Post
    about my diet i know what to eat : egg checken

    and Protein pouder "Pro Complex Gainer"
    amino Acids
    all in Program for 3 Months
    dude, that is not a diet. you diet has to have a caloric surplus, you have to get enough proteins and carbs with low fats. 70% of your macronutrients has to come from real food, and onlt 30% from supplements. it doesn't work the way you want it to work. sit down, and write out everything you eat, count calories according to your TDEE. better yet, go to the nutrition section and let the guys there help you out. without a solid diet, you'll get nowhere with AAS.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    No, if you knew what to eat and how much to eat you would not weight only 150 lbs. It's obvious your diet is lacking and using aas wong do you any good. Any weight you happen to gain you will loose just as quickly. You should weigh 190lbs, 87kg easily before doing a cycle.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    some how am new here too..and some how deca and sastnon was also my 1st plan ...but lot of people adviced me with test,i dont know....i will take people advice`s here,as i felt the guy i mean the dealer wanna play me,anyway me too ihave adviced not to go for deca and sas for my 1st cycle.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    3 years in bb is not a long time. 5-7 years is intermediate. 7-10+ is long term.

    3 years is still new.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by darkcrayz View Post
    3 years in bb is not a long time. 5-7 years is intermediate. 7-10+ is long term.

    3 years is still new.
    YES 3 years in bb is not a long time.

    But people in the GYM who said i was and steel training for 20 years ...
    and the truth he had chatted 20 years in the GYM instead he chat in a Bar ...

    I think who trained suriously for three years he can became a PRO in training
    we talk generaly BUT PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT.

    How many year you trained is NOT Accurate to know EXPERIENCE of some one

    After two year training without the minimum requirement My Bice was 39cm and my Calf 39cm with all muscles in same level

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    As lovebyts said, at 68kg and 5'10 you may be in great shape for your weight BUT you clearly do not eat enough and doing a cycle will NOT help you obtain your goals at this stage because if yo uare not consuming the calories to maintain the extra mass you will simply return to 68kg again. You need to go to the nutrition section and get some help there, you will find it VERY helpful. I spent a year in there when I first came here with the intention of cycling too early but I listened to the advice and learnt to eat first. In your condition if you eat big you will get big, better than on steroids and you will keep it

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by AliasNad View Post
    YES 3 years in bb is not a long time.

    But people in the GYM who said i was and steel training for 20 years ...
    and the truth he had chatted 20 years in the GYM instead he chat in a Bar ...

    I think who trained suriously for three years he can became a PRO in training
    we talk generaly BUT PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT.

    How many year you trained is NOT Accurate to know EXPERIENCE of some one

    After two year training without the minimum requirement My Bice was 39cm and my Calf 39cm with all muscles in same level
    even if from day 1 you trained at westside barbell or metal gym you arent 'old in bodybuilding'. you are justifying what you want to use steroids. that is your choice but dont blow smoke about being advanced.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    THANKS a lot GONZO

    I realy have appetite problem

    ans Darkcrays after two months i will post my photos here just for you.

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