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Thread: Question about T3

  1. #1

    Question about T3

    I plan doing slingshot for 2 or 3 reload/deloads, however my first reload will be a cutting one. I'm interested in doing T3 for the first time, been doing research and came across an article that says it's not advisable to stay on AAS after you have finished a cycle of T3 as it doesn't give the thyroid a rest and hinders it's recovery. Is this true? or would T3 ran safely be ok for slingshot?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    A cut does not have a deload or reload. You stay on your cut until you get cut. The bulking phase of slingshot has the reload deload phase to help with growth.

    remember on a cut your goal is to maintain muscle and lose fat not gain muscle.

  3. #3
    Yeah I know this, sorry just bad wording from my part. I should of stated my first is going to be like an extended blast/reload (10-12 weeks) for cutting then I will go onto 8 week reloads and 2 week deloads for bulking.
    Last edited by daninho777; 04-08-2012 at 06:36 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by daninho777 View Post
    Yeah I know this, sorry just bad wording from my part. I should of stated my first is going to be like an extended blast/reload (10-12 weeks) for cutting then I will go onto 8 week reloads and 2 week deloads for bulking.
    The only steroid I would be worried about supressing the thyroid enough to hinder recovery is tren. Other then that it should come back up, maybe a tad slower but still. If your that worried, stay on a small dose throughout your cycle. I dont quite remember what this boards opinion on t3 is but nowadays its ran as long as you want and you come off when your ready. You bounce back in 2-4 weeks. Ive personally ran it for 6 months and my thyroid was function better then before I ran the t3, 2 weeks after I had stopped it.

  5. #5
    Thanks, I plan on running it for 6 weeks tapering up and down and probably not going past 50 mcg maybe 75 mcg if necessary and feels safe to do so.

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