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Thread: My First Cycle

  1. #1
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    My First Cycle

    Okay, so I just turned 18 about 2 weeks ago and have decided I want to do my first cycle.

    I was vegan for a whole year around age 16 and 17 which really held back my size/strength gains in the gym. about 3 months ago I went back to lacto ovo vegetarian and I finally became a man once again about a month ago as I started eating meat again. I have been training on and off for about 2 years (consistently ofr the last 5 months) and have gone from 64kg to 80kg natural and have maintained about 10-12% bodyfat in the span of only the last 5 months. (Not lying).

    I just joined this site last night and have done some research and have come up with the following first cycle.

    My First 10 Week Cycle, Test-E and D-Bol:

    250mg Test-E 2x per week, from weeks 1-10
    30mg D-Bol daily from weeks 1-4
    250iu HCG 2x per week from weeks 1-10

    PCT: Nolva starting in week 10 of cycle and continuing 3 weeks after cycle is over (4 weeks total). Week 10: 40mg
    Week 11: 40mg
    Week 12: 30mg
    Week 13: 20mg

    Just so you know, I am 6'2.5", 80kg at 12%bf and my goal after this 10 week cycle I made is to be 85-90kg at 8%-9% Bodyfat.

    What do you think of this as my first cycle, also are my goals reasonable for a 10 week cycle from where my stats currently stand?

    Thanks guys

  2. #2
    X2006ibmgto is offline Junior Member
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    What makes you think its okay to cycle at 18? Your body isnt finished developing and cycling now is a terrible idea. Do your self a favor stay natural and work on your diet.

  3. #3
    adamjames is offline Member
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    I dont usually say this because everyone is entitled to make there own decisions in life but 18 is too young man your gonna f'ck yourself up more than you could imagine

  4. #4
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    you are not ready to do steroids at age 18. please read this:

  5. #5
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    Okay, I will postpone it for a few years, thanks for the info guys!

  6. #6
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    Just curious though, would this be a good cycle when the time comes in 4 or so years?
    Last edited by Aussie-Bicycling; 04-08-2012 at 08:03 AM.

  7. #7
    adamjames is offline Member
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    not really no, run test alone no dbol no nothing, have arimidex on hand if you get estrogen sides and read up in the pct section, hcg is recomended in most cycle that are over 6 weeks in length so yes you could run it at the doses you suggested above

    IMO 18 is dicing with death you could fall asleep and never wake up, remember that your body is still growing in all senses of the word so basically you ar messing up that whole process by doing steroids at your age but if you must do it then run test alone and have a good old read up in the pct section

  8. #8
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    AND the PCT, is really Bad. Spend a few years learning to eat, it sounds like you are on the right track so just keep upping your calories and keep training hard, keep those results coming and you dont need to cycle

  9. #9
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys! I did however start to take a natural booster a couple of weeks ago that has: 25g of Tribulus Terrestris Fruit, 167mg of Protodioscin, 1.34g of Urtica Dioica (Nettle Root) and 83.5g of Piper Nigrum Fruit.

  10. #10
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    I am only taking this to get my natural levels back to normal after being a vegan for that time period as it does lower and did lower them by like 30% or something the doctor said. I never used to have any libido as a vegan, yes at 17; I could pull it all day without getting aroused. Now however I just wake and instantly get a boner every morning and actually have more intensity in the gym. Does this mean it is working?

    Oh I am also taking ZMA pre-bed, and an animal pak multivitamin.

    Cheers guys, I really appreciate all the info you are giving me.

  11. #11
    Blergs's Avatar
    Blergs is offline Associate Member
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    THANK GOD someone listens (I hope)
    Last edited by Blergs; 04-09-2012 at 09:36 AM.

  12. #12
    Milk'd is offline New Member
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    Your body must be loving you right now for eating meat ! sounds like your test levels are smashing it! putting on that much lean mass that quickly. Keep on training and eating and you'll be huuuuuge

  13. #13
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks guys, I think some of it might be some fat though, only a little bit and was wondering if I should just recomp (eat near maintanence for a little while), until I lean out, because my goal is 85-90kg at 8% bodyfat.

  14. #14
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    Dont go for a recomp... You want to bulk, just keep your diet clean and you will be able to maintain a low bf and even if you gain a little it will be easy enough to loose later

  15. #15
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    Dont go for a recomp... You want to bulk, just keep your diet clean and you will be able to maintain a low bf and even if you gain a little it will be easy enough to loose later
    Okay, thanks!

  16. #16
    babyhulk2020 is offline Junior Member
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    wow....youre only 18....youre serious....youre very dedicated.

  17. #17
    daniel20's Avatar
    daniel20 is offline New Member
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    My advice would be to head to the diet forum because you easily have another 20+ pounds to put on naturally. You should be able to get to 200lb at your height before starting aas. I was 91kg, 12% bf, 6 foot 2 before even touching aas.

  18. #18
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by babyhulk2020 View Post
    wow....youre only 18....youre serious....youre very dedicated.
    Thank's, yeah about a year ago I just got really in-to bodybuilding, health, fitness, sport and before that I was always the nerdy kid, loser who got picked on. I guess that is what motivated me more, I took the negative energy and channeled it into my workouts to reap positive results.

    I am currently doing a Bachelor of Biochem and am hopefully going to do what layne norton does (study skeletal muscle protein synthesis).

  19. #19
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by daniel20 View Post
    My advice would be to head to the diet forum because you easily have another 20+ pounds to put on naturally. You should be able to get to 200lb at your height before starting aas. I was 91kg, 12% bf, 6 foot 2 before even touching aas.
    Okay, thanks!

  20. #20
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    I have a quick question, do you think Layne Norton is natty?

    It is just he is my idol and if he is than I know I can achieve quite a good physiqe without t-enhan***ents til I am older.

  21. #21
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    It doesnt matter, do what you can and with the right dedication and diet and training for the next 5 years plus you will kill it then jump on a cycle and get results most guys here wish they could get and you will probably be lucky enough to keep what you gain if you spend that much time learning.

    Goodluck mate

  22. #22
    Aussie-Bicycling is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    It doesnt matter, do what you can and with the right dedication and diet and training for the next 5 years plus you will kill it then jump on a cycle and get results most guys here wish they could get and you will probably be lucky enough to keep what you gain if you spend that much time learning.

    Goodluck mate
    Thanks Man!

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