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Thread: Longtime lurker here

  1. #1

    Longtime lurker here

    Hey everybody, just joined after a few weeks of lurking around and absoluetly VORACIOUS reading on all aspects of AAS cycles and I think im ready to get going with my first cycle but before I do I need some questions answered and a few things verified before I move forward with this.

    First off here are my stats:

    -Age: 24
    -Weigth: 172
    -Heigth: 5'11"
    -Years Training Natty: 5
    -Dieting for just about as long, very clean, even organic based diet .

    Solid gains and overall results over the past 2 years especially and im now looking to get into AAS cycling for a big boost.

    Diet has always been extremely important to me and ive come to understand the ABSOLUTE essential nature of dieting and proper nutrition even on an AAS cycle . now at the point where I feel confident and knowledgable enough to start my own cycle (hopefully an oralcycle ) which would consist of moderate dosage of Test for X number of weeks as a primer for the real deal such as Dbol + Test followed by a proper PCT . Now im looking for some direct advice, based on my stats current stats (I can post more info if needed), what kind of cycle would I be looking at to gain more muscle mass on a caloric surplus diet and then after which move to a cutting cyle followed maintainance. What would these look like?

    And finally theres no way in hell im ordering from these advert sites linked everywhere so id like to get a few more things covered before any such source can be discussed.

    Just need the gaps filled, what am I missing?

    Also: Are oral only cycles even real? I ask this becuase while I would do injections, id rather not have to as I plan on only moderate useage of AAS.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    You could run an anavar cycle but your better of running test alone at around the 400 mg a week mark for a first cycle IMO! injecting is safer than orals and just better all round if you ask me

    im running test alone for bulker atm followed buy test and masteron for my next cycle for a cutter, but theres thousands of combinations to choose from you will have to read up on all the different compounds

  3. #3
    Yeah, I had in mind to do a Test only cyle to gain some solid mass (with PCT ofc) and THEN move into something more geared towards a cutting phase.

    As for my diet, im currently on a surplus of 500 above maint. doing 1.5g protien/lb. bw. Body feels solid, strong and almost never catabolic.

    lean body mass is good, and I would estimate about 11-12% bf but looking to go a little lower after a future cutting cycle, but of course this will take time as this would be my first go with anabolics in general. Still have no clue about sources and all and I understand that policy here very well.

    Any commentary on my plan to go with a Test only cycle first? This seems to be like the common route for a beginner.

  4. #4

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Not going to judge whether you are ready or not to cycle. Keep in mind that at your height, your diet and training should yield more than your current weight. Your diet may be clean and healthy, but it may not be ideal for gaining past where you're at...

    Another thing to consider: you are on the cusp of being too young to start steroids.

    Okay, that being said... It's very simple to do a first cycle. 500mg/week of Test. Enan, Cyp, Sus, whatever. The only things that change are your PCT start time, pinning frequency, and possibly your duration between the different esters of Test. Trust me, if you're eating well, training well, resting well, and doing a proper pct, you'll be happy with that cycle. I promise you.

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