21 years old, 6ft1, 210lbs 16% bf
1RM: Dead - 180kg
Squat - 155kg
Bench - 120kg
Obviously i could pursue further natty but to be honest I'm curious about trying a cycle and would like any constructive criticism, currently on Madcows 5x5, eating around 3000 cals a day as I want to be lean before starting my cycle.
12 week cycle
Test c 500mg a week split into two shots, tues and sat
Arimidex on cycle, will start at 0.25 eod and adjust according to sides
PCT (18 days after last shot) - Nolva and chlomid as thats all my source can get.
Chlomid 100mg a day for 3 weeks
Nolva 20mg a day for 4 weeks
Any suggestions is welcome thanks, I'm just trying to learn all i can before i start