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  1. #1
    Kingpete is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    Who do i ask to see if my source is legit?

    23 y/r old male, been workoing out for the past 2 years solid and have a couple buddies who are on var and clen . Been doing my research the past few weeks and I'm pretty sure I want to start an 8 week cycle. Friends said they could get it for me but it's much more expensive then an online source I've found. Read many reviews and it seems to be legit but I thought I'd check in here first. I know I can't post it publicly so I'm just wondering.... who do i ask?

  2. #2
    pheenyx1's Avatar
    pheenyx1 is offline Associate Member
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    You need to get your post count up (not sure if it is 50 or 100) and then you can pm a willing mod. You need to know a lot more than if your source is legit though. AAS is serious shit. If you are planning a var without test first cycle you are violating a couple of cyclings cardinal rules. Stick around here, research and learn, ask questions, and in no time you will have the necessary post count. FYI, about a year ago I came on to this site as a total noob asking about a var only first cycle. I still have the var, and I just started my 4th cycle. Welcome to the board and good luck bro.

  3. #3
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    Quote Originally Posted by pheenyx1 View Post
    You need to get your post count up (not sure if it is 50 or 100) and then you can pm a willing mod. You need to know a lot more than if your source is legit though. AAS is serious shit. If you are planning a var without test first cycle you are violating a couple of cyclings cardinal rules. Stick around here, research and learn, ask questions, and in no time you will have the necessary post count. FYI, about a year ago I came on to this site as a total noob asking about a var only first cycle. I still have the var, and I just started my 4th cycle. Welcome to the board and good luck bro.


    Read, there is a bit of info. This is strong shit, injection < you can't get more hardcore.

    Var only is crap - you need test with it. I been reading a lot and orals are not cool in my book. Any extra sides are not needed. And all orals relate to liver damage.

    I really wanted to throw some var in but I'll pass. Good shit though.

  4. #4
    Kingpete is offline New Member
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    I have some friends who have done var plus clen only cycles and have seen massive gains. Been reading a lot on the forums and from what I've read there are a lot of mixed views on the subject of an oral only with no test. I'll try reading up on more, who knows maybe I'll get swayed into trying with test as well. But for now and for the last little while I've been pretty sure I wanna do a var and clen cycle, maybe adding test forr my second cycle

  5. #5
    Bio-Active's Avatar
    Bio-Active is offline AR-Hall of Famer
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    At your age i would focus on diet. 21 in my opinion is to young for aas.

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