Ive started a cycle of 1cc T400 + 1cc Tren E. I inject twice a week mondays and thursdays. I feel much more comfortable injecting into my arms but wondering if I DO have to swtich my injection spot. The last two weeks Ive injected into my arms, alertnating sides each time but wondering if this is bad or not.
On another note Im 3 weeks in and have seen good results. This last week Ive really noticed it and my pumps are crazy in the gym.
My cyclel looks like this:
Week 1-5 : 1cc of T400 + 1cc of Tren
Week 6-10 : 1cc of T400 + 2 tabs of 20mg Winny
Week 11-12 : 2 tabs of Winny a day
Than 4 weeks of a PCT of Arimadex 2 tabs a day
If anyone can help me with any information I should know and whether or not I should be mixing my shooting spots up a bit more or what might improve my results please let me know ! Id appreciate any thoughts and opinions
Thanks !