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  1. #1
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    My Prohormone Cycle

    Hey guys. Starting my PH cycle soon, and wanted some advice from those of you a little more experienced and well researched than me. The PH i'm taking is called Razordrol, it contains 15mg Epi and 50mg Tren . For on cycle, I was planning on taking N2Guard and Saw Palmetto with it to make sure all my organs stay healthy including my prostate. I am taking two pills a day of the Razor, once in the morning once after workout. For PCT I was planning on taking Testosterone Conversion Factor-1. The Razordrol came with this PCT, "A-Test" by ANS but it contains androstatriene dione, which is great for lowering Estrogen and promoting Testosterone production, but is said to interfere with natural testosterone production and should not be used as a PCT. SO, I need some help guys. Should I take the A-Test while on my cycle, or take it as a PCT. And if I am missing anything for PCT or supplements to keep me healthy while on cycle please tell me. Thank you VERY much I appreciate all responses.

  2. #2
    DAAS's Avatar
    DAAS is offline Senior Member
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    when did you buy this? tren has been gone for a while in the PH field

  3. #3
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    About five months ago. I'm nearly positive it's real.

  4. #4
    V-ROID's Avatar
    V-ROID is offline Member
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    Terrible times 1,000 compounded by being age 18.

    "Receive a free customized four week diet with the purchase of A-TEST. Retail price: $109.99"

    Don't rely on that stuff for AI or PCT. Don't rely on any of that stuff. Get a puppy instead.

  5. #5
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VEGAN-O-ROID View Post
    Terrible times 1,000 compounded by being age 18.

    "Receive a free customized four week diet with the purchase of A-TEST. Retail price: $109.99"

    Don't rely on that stuff for AI or PCT. Don't rely on any of that stuff. Get a puppy instead.
    Yeah that's why i'm doing my own PCT not even bothering with that A-Test. But any extra advice on supplements or anything? But you wouldn't recommend taking the A-Test with my cycle? Research on the ingredients seem to show they are a good support.

  6. #6
    V-ROID's Avatar
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    I wouldn't advise taking any PH or roid at 18. A top notch diet will blow your mind the results you get at your age. You owe it to yourself to try the diet route before you risk jacking up your jackstick among other things... You have enough Test naturally right now to blow the doors off of some over hyped crappy PH! Chances are you have never fed your body what it needs, even if you think you have. When you do you will know.

  7. #7
    RaginCajun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VEGAN-O-ROID View Post
    I wouldn't advise taking any PH or roid at 18. A top notch diet will blow your mind the results you get at your age. You owe it to yourself to try the diet route before you risk jacking up your jackstick among other things... You have enough Test naturally right now to blow the doors off of some over hyped crappy PH! Chances are you have never fed your body what it needs, even if you think you have. When you do you will know.


  8. #8
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VEGAN-O-ROID View Post
    I wouldn't advise taking any PH or roid at 18. A top notch diet will blow your mind the results you get at your age. You owe it to yourself to try the diet route before you risk jacking up your jackstick among other things... You have enough Test naturally right now to blow the doors off of some over hyped crappy PH! Chances are you have never fed your body what it needs, even if you think you have. When you do you will know.
    Well I actually have low testosterone , I was prescribed to get Testosterone shots on a weekly basis my Freshman year in high school, and my parents never went through with it because the insurance considered it optional. I've been on a 4K calorie diet for about two months and have gained 10 pounds, but i'm still weak for my size and have no definition at all, I have a really weird, skinny body. That's why I wanted to try and see if this would help me in the long run, I actually want to try steroids between the ages of 18-21 to boost my Testosterone while i'm still growing and see if it helps me grow and define more in the future. I feel as if I don't do it between 18-21, i'm going to be stuck with these low Testosterone levels forever and stay small. I definantly appreciate the concern and intelligent criticism though.

  9. #9
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    And incase you feel that the advice is bogus, you should know that taking gear without a proper diet will give you crap results. Diet is the key to a healthy body, and the foundation of the lifestyle you are choosing. Imagine you had all the material to build a house, but the ground you want to build on is a hill... Would you build it before you flatten out the land? No! That would be stupid. The house would fall over and you would waste the materials you had, and flattening the land out would take longer because you now would need to clean up the mess you made first...same concept. You will waste your gear, experience sides, and be worse off then you are today. If your gonna do it, be patient and do it right the first time

  10. #10
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJoe View Post
    And incase you feel that the advice is bogus, you should know that taking gear without a proper diet will give you crap results. Diet is the key to a healthy body, and the foundation of the lifestyle you are choosing. Imagine you had all the material to build a house, but the ground you want to build on is a hill... Would you build it before you flatten out the land? No! That would be stupid. The house would fall over and you would waste the materials you had, and flattening the land out would take longer because you now would need to clean up the mess you made first...same concept. You will waste your gear, experience sides, and be worse off then you are today. If your gonna do it, be patient and do it right the first time
    Yeah like I said i've been sticking with my 4K calorie diet for two months now, I only drink water, milk and pure fruit juice (15 glasses a day of water) and I eat absolutely NO junk food whatsoever. Oatmeal, chicken, fish, rice and salads. I've done tons of research on everything i'm about to take, i've had these steroids for about five months already and have held off on taking them. I feel i'm prepared to do it right that's why I just wanted this last bit of advice to make sure everything is looking right to you guys.

  11. #11
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    If you have low t already, I believe shutting your natty production before it is fully developed will be counter-productive and maybe your just a late bloomer... 6-7 more years can do a sh!tload more production for your system

  12. #12
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    Well i'm trying to take all these supplements with it to make sure I don't shut down my natural Testosterone production or harm any organs but i'll wait a bit longer do some more research and make sure it's completely safe to do this with correct products without shutting down my natural Testosterone production or possibly lowering it instead of raising it in the long run.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlenels
    Well i'm trying to take all these supplements with it to make sure I don't shut down my natural Testosterone production or harm any organs but i'll wait a bit longer do some more research and make sure it's completely safe to do this with correct products without shutting down my natural Testosterone production or possibly lowering it instead of raising it in the long run.
    Good call. You won't regret it if you continue to eat right. Hell, you gained 10lbs in 2 months so you got me beat. Look in the fitness section and try doing a 5x5 program. I'm on it now and getting great results. It's fixed my lazy posture and is filling out the gaps I've always had. It seems simple, but it works if you stick to it. Good luck and stick around and keep everyone posted on your progress. It's a great community with endless knowledge and all for free!!!

  14. #14
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJoe View Post
    Good call. You won't regret it if you continue to eat right. Hell, you gained 10lbs in 2 months so you got me beat. Look in the fitness section and try doing a 5x5 program. I'm on it now and getting great results. It's fixed my lazy posture and is filling out the gaps I've always had. It seems simple, but it works if you stick to it. Good luck and stick around and keep everyone posted on your progress. It's a great community with endless knowledge and all for free!!!
    Yeah I have a REALLY lazy posture too from having no chest or back, need to fix it that's my worst points but will do i'll go check out that 5x5 program right now thaks alot!

    EDIT: Where exactly in the Fitness section can I find the 5x5 program?

  15. #15
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlenels

    Yeah I have a REALLY lazy posture too from having no chest or back, need to fix it that's my worst points but will do i'll go check out that 5x5 program right now thaks alot!

    EDIT: Where exactly in the Fitness section can I find the 5x5 program?
    I personally am doing reg parks beginners 5x5 program which is strictly compound movements. SQUATS, bench press, rows, chins, overhead press and deadlifts 3 days a week and full body workouts. It's really good for a beginner like me so maybe you would enjoy it to. I'll try and find the link that led me to the program I'm on.

    Here is the program:

    Here is a workout that he and Arnold used with great success (provided by Kaya Park, Reg's grandson)

    Workout A

    Back Squats 5×5
    Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups 5×5
    Dips or Bench Press 5×5
    Wrist Work (Grip Work) 2×10
    Calves 2×15-20

    Workout B

    Front Squats 5×5
    Rows 5×5
    Standing Press 5×5
    Deadlifts 3×5 (2 warm-up sets and 1 "stabilizer set")
    Wrist Work 2×10
    Calves 2×15-20

    Week 1: A, B, A
    Week 2: B, A, B
    Week 3: A, B, etc
    (for personal touch I go EOD continuously and not 3 days)

    In regards to the 5x5, it is always(if possible) 1 warm up set @ 60% of working weight 1 warm up set @80% of working weight followed by 3 sets of 5 reps @ 100% working weight.

    I suggest lowering your weights by about 40% of your current working weight , and gradually adding 5lbs to the bar each time you visit the gym. You will eventually max out but it will be with great form and more than when you started. Always use free weights when possible. Use an Olympic bar when possible and research technique for proper form.

    Lastly, google reg parks beginner 5x5 because the site has valuable technique info I can't quite explain in reasonable time.

    This is my current path and it is giving me success. Check my other threads for some pictures of progress. I was 125 lbs @5'7"

  16. #16
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    Thanks alot i'll check it out and maybe try it next week. I'm currently using Frank McGrath's workout routine, I love it.

  17. #17
    Lunk1's Avatar
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    IMO the prohormones of today are all suger pills. Gone are the days of Tren Xtreme and some of the other greats!!!

  18. #18
    >Good Luck<'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by littlenels
    Thanks alot i'll check it out and maybe try it next week. I'm currently using Frank McGrath's workout routine, I love it.
    McGrath is a bodybuilder. I am years away from that, so I end up using the wrong muscles trying to complete the hard routines like that. It was hard for me to accept my position in this lifestyle and humble myself down to a beginners routine. After bs-ing around the gym trying to get results, I started to get un-proportioned looking features. My personal goal is to have a solid shape from the feet up, with large bulk muscle. Advanced routines will only do me harm. Once I have a solid base, I will venture off into more complex routines like McGrath does. Consider the 5x5 for your self. The pump and burn isn't the only way. I hardly feel a thing the day after I work out, yet I am slowly getting the shape I want. It's a good balance of exercise and rest.

    Light cardio on days off is good to, but not more than 30 mins

  19. #19
    littlenels is offline New Member
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    Alright i'll look into it i'll try it a few days next week probably and see if I like it. I totally feel everything I do in McGrath's workout though, I start with low weight and work up so I keep as perfect form as possible. I even do 2-6 reps with no weight watching myself in the mirror before I start. But I also do 10 minutes of running on the treadmill pre workout everyday on about 8 speed to keep my heart and lungs in top condition. Cardio is extremely important to me!

    Oh and one last question. I know using a sauna is not good while on steroids , as it puts alot of pressure on your heart. Is it okay to hit the sauna while on my PCT?

  20. #20
    V-ROID's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunk1;5969***
    IMO the prohormones of today are all suger pills. Gone are the days of Tren Xtreme and some of the other greats!!!
    I agree that sugar messes up more people in this country than PH do. But I gotta disagree. There are still many potent PH out there with the ability to do a whole lot of damage on the unsuspecting supplement crowd.

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