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Thread: Fighting temptaions...

  1. #1

    Fighting temptaions...

    Sup fellas,

    I am going on a trip to South America in the summer and steroids are sold over the counter in the particular country that I plan on visiting. I've been reading/browsing some of the posts and I would also like to get some advise from you guys. So, here are my questions:

    1) Does anyone know the best way to try to bring some gear back to the states? Obviously not enough for distribution, but rather a cycle or two.
    2) I will be staying for a little over a month so I can also cycle while I'm there. However, most cycles I've seen last at least 6 weeks. Does anyone know or recommend a cycle for month? I figured I can hit the gym while I'm there and try to maintain my protein intake high for the month, maybe do a bulking phase while I'm there and worry about the cutting phase when I get back.

    Any advise is appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!

    P.S. This would be the first time I ever try any gear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    I don't think there's anyone on this board that would advice a 6 week cycle much less a 1 month cycle to you. If I were you I would do alot more research and make sure you know exactly what your getting into before you jump into anything.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    It seems like the real question is if and how you should get the gear back home correct?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by wesholcomb80
    I don't think there's anyone on this board that would advice a 6 week cycle much less a 1 month cycle to you. If I were you I would do alot more research and make sure you know exactly what your getting into before you jump into anything.
    Exactly. Most aas doesn't even start working that quickly. Plus your stats are necessary to advise.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Palmdale, Ca.
    would steroids be considered the same as Heroin or Pot if he were to get caught? I can't imagine it would be worth it for any reason if that were the case. What about shipping it back to yourself, or a PO Box?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    I would ship them back. Just my opinion.

    If they make it awesome, if not they were cheap.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by wesholcomb80 View Post
    I don't think there's anyone on this board that would advice a 6 week cycle much less a 1 month cycle to you. If I were you I would do alot more research and make sure you know exactly what your getting into before you jump into anything.
    You're right bro, most are at least 8 weeks.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by socalfun64 View Post
    would steroids be considered the same as Heroin or Pot if he were to get caught? I can't imagine it would be worth it for any reason if that were the case. What about shipping it back to yourself, or a PO Box?
    I found several people recommending the same thing to others with similar questions. I just figured I could try to bring some stuff in my checked bags. My grandparents travel back and forth all the time and they constantly bring over-the-counter items such as lotions, peniciliin, mebendazole, etc. I just thought I'd ask for some more advice.
    I think I'll probably look into shipping it back to myself.... is that "less" risky??? I thought that customs inspect items shipped from other countries pretty thouroughly...

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    What are your stats?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Shipping them is your best bet bro. I wouldn't even dare travel with them on hand cause if caught your looking at their laws and your homeland laws cracking a whip on for what you can run for a month. Some test prop and dbol is your best bet. Both will kick in really quick, and no test prop doesn't take weeks to reach adequate blood levels just a week will start to get ya going. If for only a month I would hit 100mg of test prop a day and at least 50mg dbol a day. You should see some pretty good results while there and continue a regimine when you return home...or you can even start a long ester test while there and continue it when you return. I just wouldn't expect much from anything long estered in just a month though.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Ship it to me and i will ship it to u lol

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Knoxville, Tennessee
    Do not risk bringing them back on you! AAS are a schedule iii controlled substance in the states. First offense simple possession is a felony punishable with up to 1 year. If they consider it to be enough for distribution that can go up to 10 years.

  13. #13
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    AZ Side
    Ship me some to try u know

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Mickthemick View Post
    Ship it to me and i will ship it to u lol

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    Ship me some to try u know
    lol... just to make sure they're the real deal, right!

  16. #16
    I think I'll probably go the shipping route. I've been reading of some people having some success using DHL in the past.

    P.S. I currently weigh ~225 lbs. Working on cutting for the next couple of months and should be down to about 200-205 lbs by the time I leave. Also, I'm 5'10".

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    What country

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by poppz View Post
    What country

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    Hide it in something like a stuffed animal or food care packages. Shipping it definitely the way to go

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Why bother bringing in a cycle or two to save what a few hundred dollars, maybe? worth the risk you are taking if you get caught. People need to stop being so tight and go the safe reliable methos and pay the price for someone local with quality

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
    Why bother bringing in a cycle or two to save what a few hundred dollars, maybe? worth the risk you are taking if you get caught. People need to stop being so tight and go the safe reliable methos and pay the price for someone local with quality
    If I could... I would bro. I don't know anyone local and since we're not allowed to ask for sources I really have no other options. This trip is just a good chance to get something legit and at even better price, that's all.

  22. #22
    Does anyone recommend or have prior experience with the shipping route (i.e. Ship to myself under a different name, ship to a P.O. box, any particular carrier, etc)?


  23. #23
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    Me personally - I ship a lot of shit. Not too much internationaly, but some.

    Ship from a bs name, ship to home address(or who's ever back home).

    As far as carrier, I always use postal service mail. I personally never had a issue.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigGuy90 View Post
    Hide it in something like a stuffed animal or food care packages. Shipping it definitely the way to go
    Bam...I have been to south america many times. I've shipped stuff back and put in my luggage. But I was down there under different circumstances than you will be. You can get injectable b12. You can get equipose from the vet too. Pm me if you need to.

  25. #25
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    Depending on where u will be, they have a policy of "open package - close after inspection at the postal office" which will cause you trouble.

    Secondly, I'm sure "possession" an "smuggling" are very different...

    Personally, I'd rather buy from a local source... Might save THOUSANDS, in lawyer fees that is!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by JustJoe View Post
    Depending on where u will be, they have a policy of "open package - close after inspection at the postal office" which will cause you trouble.
    Word, never heard of that but it's not the states.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    I would ship them capo.. ship them in stuffed animals. Sure its better to use a local source but damn its hard to find one so I would be in the same boat. I would definetly ship some if you can

  28. #28
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    Yeah I've never had any problems shipping with US postal service. Depends what the countrys rules are about looking before you ship..That's why you could hide it in a stuffed animal or food care packages or games.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by socalfun64 View Post
    would steroids be considered the same as Heroin or Pot if he were to get caught? I can't imagine it would be worth it for any reason if that were the case. What about shipping it back to yourself, or a PO Box?
    heroin is a shedule I drug while steriods are a shedule III drug.. Ive had friends sneak in steriods from argentina, mexico, italy, Turkey, no one ever got caught they just put the vials inside there pants haha

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    Just a thought, what about dumping into a different container? I.E. Like a Voss water bottle

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    You could do 6 weeks of Winny while you there... like 80-100mg/day.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by justjoe View Post
    depending on where u will be, they have a policy of "open package - close after inspection at the postal office" which will cause you trouble.

    Secondly, i'm sure "possession" an "smuggling" are very different...

    Personally, i'd rather buy from a local source... Might save thousands, in lawyer fees that is!

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