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Thread: Increase Test or Add another compound??

  1. #1

    Increase Test or Add another compound??

    What's up?

    I'm planing my next cycle and have a few questions. I'm looking to start this one early june and run for about 16 weeks.

    This will be my 3rd cycle...
    1st cycle was a d-bol 1-4wks, Test E 1-12wks
    2nd cycle was Deca 1-8, Sust 1-6, Test E 6-12
    I was satisfied with my first 2 cycles, obiviously there are some things I could have done better with nutrition and training while on cycle versus post but for the most part, I am very pleased with results from both of them.

    I'm 41 years old, 5'10" 195lbs. For the sake of this thread, let's just say that my diet and training are on point. I am a competitive powerlifter and understand what my body needs as far as training and nutrition. My goals are always, strength and size. However with summer approaching, I will be focusing a lot more on nutrition and cardio then I have in the past. My training generally consists of Heavy PowerLifting, multi joint movements. I'm looking at a more BB approch to my workouts this time and see what type of response I have.

    My first 2 cycle consisted of a total of Test 500mg a week.

    Soooo, my question is what's your thought on how to approach my 3rd cycle? Stay with Test 500 a week and focus more on Nutrition and Training? Stay with 500 a week and add another compound? Increase Test to 750 a week? If its add another compound what your fav dry compound.

    Initially I was looking at Tren... After much research, I understand that its very harsh and it has mixed opinions on dosing. Then I researched Winny and much info to wrap my head around. So I figured I stop here and add alil more confusion to my

    I undertsand everyone responds differently, and ill never know till I try it. I'm sure there are some of you with similar cycles and I'm looking to learn as much as possible as I go!

    Thanks ahead of the time for pertinent answers!

  2. #2
    Cmon guys... Knowone wants to take a "poke" at this?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by UnderTheRose View Post
    What's up?

    I'm planing my next cycle and have a few questions. I'm looking to start this one early june and run for about 16 weeks.

    This will be my 3rd cycle...
    1st cycle was a d-bol 1-4wks, Test E 1-12wks
    2nd cycle was Deca 1-8, Sust 1-6, Test E 6-12 I was satisfied with my first 2 cycles, obiviously there are some things I could have done better with nutrition and training while on cycle versus post but for the most part, I am very pleased with results from both of them.

    I'm 41 years old, 5'10" 195lbs. For the sake of this thread, let's just say that my diet and training are on point. I am a competitive powerlifter and understand what my body needs as far as training and nutrition. My goals are always, strength and size. However with summer approaching, I will be focusing a lot more on nutrition and cardio then I have in the past. My training generally consists of Heavy PowerLifting, multi joint movements. I'm looking at a more BB approch to my workouts this time and see what type of response I have.

    My first 2 cycle consisted of a total of Test 500mg a week.

    Soooo, my question is what's your thought on how to approach my 3rd cycle? Stay with Test 500 a week and focus more on Nutrition and Training? Stay with 500 a week and add another compound? Increase Test to 750 a week? If its add another compound what your fav dry compound.

    Initially I was looking at Tren... After much research, I understand that its very harsh and it has mixed opinions on dosing. Then I researched Winny and much info to wrap my head around. So I figured I stop here and add alil more confusion to my

    I undertsand everyone responds differently, and ill never know till I try it. I'm sure there are some of you with similar cycles and I'm looking to learn as much as possible as I go!

    Thanks ahead of the time for pertinent answers!
    if you had no problems with the test deca cycle. i would consider something like this.

    Test E weeks 1-16 500mg
    Deca weeks 1-14 500-600mg
    Dbol 40mg weeks 1-4

    It also depends on your cycle goals cutting bulking ?
    Last edited by bob87; 04-10-2012 at 12:35 AM.

  4. #4

    I wasn't too impressed with the Deca, although I did ony run it for a little over 8 weeks...too short to really see the benies I guess.

    Since summer is coming up im looking to cut, realizing that's mostly nutrition and cardio though, im leaning more towards a dryer compound then Deca.

  5. #5

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    if you want to cut then use tren ace its fast acting so if you do have a negative effect you can just discontinue and youll be fine just carrying on with test the reason y i said tren is if your looking to get cut then tren will def do that for you m8 its not as bad as everyone says its effects people in differant ways or sometimes not at all have a think bud test/tren ai- arimidex - pct nolva - clomid- hcg sweetttttttttt lol

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2012
    What would a few weeks of tren do in the middle of a cycle, cut with bigger gains, or just cut?

    Quote Originally Posted by binsser View Post
    if you want to cut then use tren ace its fast acting so if you do have a negative effect you can just discontinue and youll be fine just carrying on with test the reason y i said tren is if your looking to get cut then tren will def do that for you m8 its not as bad as everyone says its effects people in differant ways or sometimes not at all have a think bud test/tren ai- arimidex - pct nolva - clomid- hcg sweetttttttttt lol

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by UnderTheRose View Post
    What's up?

    I'm planing my next cycle and have a few questions. I'm looking to start this one early june and run for about 16 weeks.

    This will be my 3rd cycle...
    1st cycle was a d-bol 1-4wks, Test E 1-12wks
    2nd cycle was Deca 1-8, Sust 1-6, Test E 6-12
    I was satisfied with my first 2 cycles, obiviously there are some things I could have done better with nutrition and training while on cycle versus post but for the most part, I am very pleased with results from both of them.

    I'm 41 years old, 5'10" 195lbs. For the sake of this thread, let's just say that my diet and training are on point. I am a competitive powerlifter and understand what my body needs as far as training and nutrition. My goals are always, strength and size. However with summer approaching, I will be focusing a lot more on nutrition and cardio then I have in the past. My training generally consists of Heavy PowerLifting, multi joint movements. I'm looking at a more BB approch to my workouts this time and see what type of response I have.

    My first 2 cycle consisted of a total of Test 500mg a week.

    Soooo, my question is what's your thought on how to approach my 3rd cycle? Stay with Test 500 a week and focus more on Nutrition and Training? Stay with 500 a week and add another compound? Increase Test to 750 a week? If its add another compound what your fav dry compound.

    Initially I was looking at Tren... After much research, I understand that its very harsh and it has mixed opinions on dosing. Then I researched Winny and much info to wrap my head around. So I figured I stop here and add alil more confusion to my

    I undertsand everyone responds differently, and ill never know till I try it. I'm sure there are some of you with similar cycles and I'm looking to learn as much as possible as I go!

    Thanks ahead of the time for pertinent answers!

    I personally love test p, tren a, and mast. If you're goin 16 weeks(ive done the exact same thing with these compounds), i would do this:

    Wks 1-16 Test p - 1.5cc eod
    Wks 1-10 Tren a - 1cc eod
    Wks 8-16 Mast - 1cc eod

    You will be amazed at how dry and hard you will look and feel. And some will say the doses are low but more isnt always better especially with these compounds...they work WELL together.
    And of course have aromasin for during cycle (I use 12.5mg eod unless i have sides, then bump it to ed until things clear up), and nolva, and clomid for PCT.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You didnt run the Deca long enough.You only ran it 8 weeks need at least another 4 weeks.Keep test at 500mg run NPP 3/400mg a week less water weight faster acting.

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