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Thread: what if cant get caber or bromo??????

  1. #1

    what if cant get caber or bromo??????

    hey guys so iive been having a really hard time gettin my hands on caber or bromo.just wondering how impt iitt is while running currently on wk 9 of a test and deca cycle and everything seems to be goin great except what i might think is a littl deca dick.i mean in still get hardons np but some times just limper than normal.(really nothin to be worried about)so i was thinking of switching to tren ace for my contest prep but im a little worried since most say to have run caber or bromo while runnin it.i know in should have ran some during my cureent cycle but i couldnt get my hands on some and really wanted to try deca.any advice plz guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Australia
    Quote Originally Posted by freak1
    hey guys so iive been having a really hard time gettin my hands on caber or bromo.just wondering how impt iitt is while running currently on wk 9 of a test and deca cycle and everything seems to be goin great except what i might think is a littl deca dick.i mean in still get hardons np but some times just limper than normal.(really nothin to be worried about)so i was thinking of switching to tren ace for my contest prep but im a little worried since most say to have run caber or bromo while runnin it.i know in should have ran some during my cureent cycle but i couldnt get my hands on some and really wanted to try deca.any advice plz guys
    You can get it from the site sponsor....

  3. #3
    prami will do the trick mate just be careful with it get it from ar-r up above i take mine tuesday and friday 0.25mg

  4. #4
    ar-r is great to get research compounds from.

    but just so u know caber, isnt a controlled substance. Ive never met a dr. who wouldn't prescribe it , say u need it for focus, mild depression and sleeping. They will prescribe a dose at 1 mg a day if you dont have Parkinson, 30 tabs last you over half a year. take 0.5 e3d. The come with a small cut in teh middle for easy dosing.

  5. #5
    perfect thx for all the input guys .im gonna try get it from my doc and wrst case order from ar-r

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