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  1. #1
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Help for a cycle.

    Hi everybody,

    This is my first thread, and sorry for the futur anglish mistake (I'm french)

    I would love to have some help for some part of one of my cycle.

    First , I've done some cyle ( 3 ).

    I'm 26 years old.
    Been working out for 10 year .
    I know a lot about diet , training, and rest .... (I've got a personnal trainner for many years)
    I did 1 competition in the past.
    My heigt is 5 feet 8 inches.
    My weight is about 200 lbs at 8-10 %

    Now It's time for the cycle. Bulking .

    It's the first time I'll try something like that and lot of people never saw cycle like that so It's hard to find good help.

    Week 1-4 = 40 mg dianabol /day
    Week 1-10 = 500 mg test E /week

    Week 11-12 ( need help ) I tough about doing 2 week of HGC.

    Week 13-16 = anadrol = 50/75 mg a day.
    Week 13-23 = test E 500/750 mg /week
    Week 13-23 = Deca 250/500 md /week

    Week 24-25 (Need help) I tough about doing 2 week of HGC.

    Week 26-30 = maybe dianabol too.
    week 26-36 = Test Prop 750 mg /week
    Week 26-36 = deca 500mg/week

    I'll tcheck how I feel maybe I'LL add one more cycle on 10 week.

    HCG -NOVALDEX-AROMASIN - and maybe insulin .

    THe idea of taking 2 week off is the take a litle break so my receptor can "recover" a little bit , but that's what I've heard.

    I wan't to have your opigion on the 2 week break people told me that they were ussless. and to run the 3 cycle with no break .

    Thank you for your help.

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Welcome skrillexbb. Your stats are petty impressive big guy. The style of cycling you have proposed here is known as Blast & Cruise, I wouldn't listen to the guys that tell you your body doesn't need that 2 week break, you have to bring your BP back to a safe / normal range among other things, you wont make a complete "return to norm" in 2 weeks but I still believe the little break it does offer is necessary. If you're planning on trying to recover your natural functions after the cycle, I would use the HCG throughout the cycle starting in week 3 & stop before PCT. And on that note, I have to ask, are you aware of the increased risk / likelihood of not being able to recover you HPTA function after such a cycle? I'm not trying to talk you out of it bro, I just think anyone considering Blast & Cruise (especially including 19 nors) should be armed with ALL knowledge of the potential end result. Aside from that, the cycle looks well laid out, except for that Aromasin , that is better used as an on cycle AI rather than PCT.

  3. #3
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Yess thanks you ! When I told about aromasin I forgot to tell you that's where for the bitch tits and negative side...

    But when you say to take HCG during cycle , what is the dossage per week? and during my 2 week of break , do I increas the HCG ?

    So , I need to take HCG week 3-36 then stop and 3 week after start pct with HCG on ??

  4. #4
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by skrillexbb View Post
    Yess thanks you ! When I told about aromasin I forgot to tell you that's where for the bitch tits and negative side...

    But when you say to take HCG during cycle , what is the dossage per week? and during my 2 week of break , do I increas the HCG ? 250 iu twice a week. No need to increase during break.

    So , I need to take HCG week 3-36 then stop and 3 week after start pct with HCG on ?? Yes.
    See bolds.

  5. #5
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Ok thanks you siir ! I think I'll need to get lot more HCG .

  6. #6
    D7M's Avatar
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    So, for weeks 11-12 and 24-25, you won't be using any test? Only HCG ?

    (you can reply in French if you want

  7. #7
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Wow, you are playing with fire.

    Just go for a clean 12 week cycle that may consist of an oral and an injectable without bringing the bridging BS into the picture.

    You may never recover even with a prolonged & aggressive PCT by the end of a 36 week cycle...

    Just giving friendly advice...

  8. #8
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    So, for weeks 11-12 and 24-25, you won't be using any test? Only HCG ?

    (you can reply in French if you want
    Yess only HCG.

  9. #9
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    Wow, you are playing with fire.

    Just go for a clean 12 week cycle that may consist of an oral and an injectable without bringing the bridging BS into the picture.

    You may never recover even with a prolonged & aggressive PCT by the end of a 36 week cycle...

    Just giving friendly advice...
    I'm goin to HCG During the whole thing. And don't worry I'm also goin to talk with a doctor about it.

  10. #10
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    I didn't catch that, I'm glad D7M did. You need to run the Test. right through your cruises / breaks, just at lower doses, if you don't, by the end of the 2 weeks your body will be without Test. at all & that wont be good.

  11. #11
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    I didn't catch that, I'm glad D7M did. You need to run the Test. right through your cruises / breaks, just at lower doses, if you don't, by the end of the 2 weeks your body will be without Test. at all & that wont be good.
    Ok so How many mg on the "off week" ?

  12. #12
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    But in a other hand , doing it straight on 30 week ( 3 of 10 week) and HCG week 1-30 at 500ui/week.

    What is the most safe in your opigion . (Considering that I'll do this kind of cycle and not just a 12 week cycle)

  13. #13
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    When I'm cruising between blasts, I lower my dose to 200 - 300 mg/wk. When I'm just cruising, & not cycling / blasting at all, I use 150 mg/wk of Test. (Self prescribed TRT)

  14. #14
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skrillexbb View Post
    I'm goin to HCG During the whole thing. And don't worry I'm also goin to talk with a doctor about it.
    HCG will spare the testicles from experiencing complete atrophy throughout the cycle, not meaning that there will not be any testicular atrophy at all, which is not my concern about a 36 week cycle at any rate.

    HTPA will be shut down for the most part and you will be a future TRT candidate if you do this, with our without HCG implementation. This is most likely what you are going to hear from an endocrinologist/andrologist too. Also, I doubt a sane doctor would give his approval for a 36 week long cycle with multiple oral and injectable compounds stacked at fairly high doses.

    With your current stats of 5''8, 200 lbs at 8-10% BF, why do you feel the need to do this? As is, you are already a big guy for your height and with 10 years of training under your belt. You can run two 12 week cycles every year for lean bulk purposes with 4-5 months in between and you will gradually add more muscle mass... There are also other strategies such as bringing in HGH, IFG-1 and insulin into this picture to stay anabolic throughout the year.

    Hey man, it is just advice, you do whathever the fvck you want!
    Last edited by Turkish Juicer; 04-12-2012 at 02:19 AM.

  15. #15
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    HCG will spare the testicles from experiencing complete atrophy throughout the cycle, not meaning that there will not be any testicular atrophy at all, which is not my concern about a 36 week cycle at any rate.

    HTPA will be shut down for the most part and you will be a future TRT candidate if you do this, with our without HCG implementation. This is most likely what you are going to hear from an endocrinologist/andrologist too. Also, I doubt a sane doctor would give his approval for a 36 week long cycle with multiple oral and injectable compounds stacked at fairly high doses.

    With your current stats of 5''8, 200 lbs at 8-10% BF, why do you feel the need to do this? As is, you are already a big guy for your height and with 10 years of training under your belt. You can run two 12 week cycles every year for lean bulk purposes with 4-5 months in between and you will gradually add more muscle mass... There are also other strategies such as bringing in HGH, IFG-1 and insulin into this picture to stay anabolic throughout the year.

    Hey man, it is just advice, you do whathever the fvck you want!
    Hey you probably know it, never big enought.

    One the the prob to is that I got all the stuff I need right now , I don't have the cash for HGH, and insulin look more dangerous then long cycle.

    By doing 20 week cycle instead of 30 , maybe will reduce the risk ! I'll think about and if I need maybe I'll use insulin after the 20 week cycle.

  16. #16
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    You don't need HGH, you need HCG , there is a very significant difference in cost between the two. HCG is very cheap in comparison to HGH. And I don't think you need the insulin either.................just my opinion.

  17. #17
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    You don't need HGH, you need HCG, there is a very significant difference in cost between the two. HCG is very cheap in comparison to HGH. And I don't think you need the insulin either.................just my opinion.
    HCG was not offered as an alternative to HGH, nor that either compound was confused with another, as one should be able to read this through the post...

  18. #18
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    You don't need HGH, you need HCG, there is a very significant difference in cost between the two. HCG is very cheap in comparison to HGH. And I don't think you need the insulin either.................just my opinion.
    ok thanks

  19. #19
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    HCG was not offered as an alternative to HGH, nor that either compound was confused with another, as one should be able to read this through the post...
    Speaking of "reading through the posts"................
    Quote Originally Posted by skrillexbb View Post
    Hey you probably know it, never big enought.

    One the the prob to is that I got all the stuff I need right now , I don't have the cash for HGH, and insulin look more dangerous then long cycle.

    By doing 20 week cycle instead of 30 , maybe will reduce the risk ! I'll think about and if I need maybe I'll use insulin after the 20 week cycle.
    And I never assumed or stated HGH was being offered as an alternative to HCG either................."one should be able to read this through the post".................

  20. #20
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    Ok , I'll probably go for a 20 week cycle.

    I've got good result with some 10 or 12 week cycle. But I find that I got more gain at the end, so that's why I came to the idea to do a longger cycle .

    So , I'll do .

    Week 1-20 HCG 250 ui /2 time week.

    Week 1-4 Dianabol 40 mg
    Week 1-10 test E 250mg x 2 /week

    week 11-14 anadrol 50mg
    Week 11-20 Test E 750 mg /week
    Week 11-20 Deca 250/500 mg week.


    But I'll maybe do less than 20 week If I fell like getting very low gain. But I'll also continiu the cycle If I see some great gain at the end.

  21. #21
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    skrillexbb: I won't be making any suggestions concerning your cycle length, since we have already talked about it and you said you have run a few cycles before.

    However, I would strongly recommend that you do NOT start Deca at Week 11 and finish it at Week 20, which is when you also finish your cycle.

    My advise is that -assuming that you will bu running this cycle for 20 weeks as proposed above- you start your Deca injections at Week 8 and run it until Week 20, this gives you the option of running Deca for 12 weeks instead of 9.

    HCG can also be bumped up to 500iu x2 a week if testicular atrophy becomes significant.

    As for PCT, it will have to be an aggressive one that's for sure.

  22. #22
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    ok yess , It's a good idea for the deca .

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