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  1. #1
    froggyluv is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    Need help getting off TRT

    Hi all. Well I have a complicated history but basically Im a 41 yo lifter with some endocrinolgical issues that doctors cant figure out nor agree on. When I was younger, I had issues with a certain favorite party substance (6 years clean) but basically seems to be that I suffer from some sort of adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. During my many many tests, a certain doctor told me to do a saliva test as they are more accurate (convential doctors strongly disagree) and it showed that I had the Test of a 58 yo man -Hypogonadism. I had noticed that my strength had plummeted during the last year (Bench dropped from 315 to 225 etc..) and I get extremely tired, brain fog , freezing feet in summer time and more. Yep, sucked bad.

    Long story short, I got on TRT as well as daily Hydro cortisone and along with Thyroid my energy is somewhat better and my strength is normal again. Its really hard to tell what fixed what tho -LOL! Blood tests now show that my Test is too high and I really don't want to be on lifelong TRT if I dont need it.

    Current TRT treatment: 200mg Test/Wk *note* 200mg was intial dose 7 months ago and was halved after blood tests came back too high 6 weeks ago.
    1mg Arimedex/wk
    1000 IU HCG /Wk
    2mg Propecia/wk

    I asked my Doctor today about how to get off and really get the feeling they don't know what they're talking about but they basically said to drop Test to 100mg every 2 weeks and continue with everything else then get restested in 3 months.

    Do you guys think this sounds like a good idea? Im thinking maybe I should just go my own route and get some of the mice stuff as talked about here tho to be honest I don't fully understand that protocol. I really appreciate anyone that could help me here!

    Last edited by froggyluv; 04-11-2012 at 01:28 PM.

  2. #2
    FONZY007's Avatar
    FONZY007 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Once your on trt bro its for life, don't switch to the once every 2 weeks protocol that will screw you up.. What are your levels since you been on 200mg a week?

    I'm going to be 31 and on trt... Do you want to live life as I passes you by or live life to the fullest that's the difference it made for me...

  3. #3
    froggyluv is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012
    Well I don't have my results here but I believe it was somewhere around 1200. When my doctor saw that (about 6 weeks ago) she said it was a sign that my body was also producing more on its own and told me to drop down to a little more then 100mg a week (should have mentioned this). The reasons Im considering getting off are twofold:

    1.Apparently when you have low adrenal/thyroid, the body often makes less testosterone as its struggling already.

    2. Saliva testing. Im not convinced these results are accurate as I never tested TRT worthy low on blood tests -I think it was 450 or so with standard blood test before treatment.

    Just to note I also have borderline low Follicle Stimulating Hormone and Leutinizing Hormone (FSH and LH).

  4. #4
    Brohim's Avatar
    Brohim is offline Senior Member
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    How long have you been on Propecia? Some guy's have sides to that drug. If you have low LH you might be able to get on HCG therapy. A guy on here did that recently 1,000 EOD along with some Nolva and got his natural level's back.

    If you just go off you will feel terrible. You have to either get on Clomid/nolva or HCG and if you can't restart then stay on the Test.

  5. #5
    froggyluv is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012
    Thanks for reply! I am on HCG but only 1000 a week which may not be enough -hmm, may need a new doctor. Any chance you could link me the thread on exact dosages and protocol for Clomid/Nolva? I've been trying to understand but cant find the right thread. And your right, if this route doesn't work Im prepared to go back to TRT for life - its not ideal but better than the alternative for sure.

    Wonder if I'll lose my newfound 405 squat when getting off

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