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  1. #1
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Cool Stupid question but curious?

    So everyone here basically says to have years of training + your diet perfected before even thinking of a cycle, and to be 25.

    The only thing I still don't understand is the age of 25? under 25 your testosterone is higher and if you take gear you will shut down production? Why wouldn't your production of testosterone stop if you took gear at age 25?
    -Possibility of shutting it down***

  2. #2
    dumb_aas's Avatar
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    Your natural production does shut down no matter the age. Only difference is by about that age your body has finished developing and you're more likely to return to normal production

  3. #3
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    It will but your endo system is fully developed by then, therefor the steroid use is not preventing that from happinging. Also as you age your natural test levels start to drop, up to the age of 25 they are peaking naturally so you should take advantage of that while you have it.

  4. #4
    big_ron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan111557 View Post
    So everyone here basically says to have years of training + your diet perfected before even thinking of a cycle, and to be 25.

    The only thing I still don't understand is the age of 25? under 25 your testosterone is higher and if you take gear you will shut down production? Why wouldn't your production of testosterone stop if you took gear at age 25?
    -Possibility of shutting it down***
    Not a stupid question at all!

  5. #5
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    If someone didn't want to get big but just wanted to get decent size and stay that size what would be the harm in doing 2-3 cycles? I looked up a bit about endo system and I don't fully understand, if it's done growing around 25, and gear causes my testosterone to shut down, won't I be just as F**ked if it shut down at a younger age? I don't know how testosterone ranks, but let's say a peak is around 800? On gear how high does that number go? And what if someone used minimal amount (small doses) and upped that number by just 200 lets say?

  6. #6
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan111557 View Post
    If someone didn't want to get big but just wanted to get decent size and stay that size what would be the harm in doing 2-3 cycles? I looked up a bit about endo system and I don't fully understand, if it's done growing around 25, and gear causes my testosterone to shut down, won't I be just as F**ked if it shut down at a younger age? I don't know how testosterone ranks, but let's say a peak is around 800? On gear how high does that number go? And what if someone used minimal amount (small doses) and upped that number by just 200 lets say?
    your endocrine system isnt developed yet, did you read gonzo's post? under 25 your body cant handle it - after 25 it can. yes you will shut down at both ages, but you can recover generally well after 25. below 25 you are running a risk of permanant damage.

    dont do it until after 25 at least- considering your test levels are peaking at 25- you will get huge just by eating and working out- gains will be permanent- only consider roids once you reach an old age or have reached your natural maximum limit- its too risky. if you still are going to anyway- make sure you have all your ancillaries, PCT etc in place before you buy any juice. or you will indeed damage your body for life.

  7. #7
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    your endocrine system isnt developed yet, did you read gonzo's post? under 25 your body cant handle it - after 25 it can. yes you will shut down at both ages, but you can recover generally well after 25. below 25 you are running a risk of permanant damage.

    dont do it until after 25 at least- considering your test levels are peaking at 25- you will get huge just by eating and working out- gains will be permanent- only consider roids once you reach an old age or have reached your natural maximum limit- its too risky. if you still are going to anyway- make sure you have all your ancillaries, PCT etc in place before you buy any juice. or you will indeed damage your body for life.
    So is shutting down based on total RANDOMNESS? Also if it starts to decline at 25, wouldn't that mean age 24 is a higher testosterone level than age 20? Are these conditions shutting down/erectile disfunction/infertile etc... all based on randomness, or doing a cycle wrong?

  8. #8
    skrillexbb is offline New Member
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    I know a lot of people who started early ,and they are fine today ... I think that it is a case by case... I have a friend who were taking test, HGH, insulin ,tren ........ all year long and he fell fine and don't have prob (exepte the fact that he is maybe sort 5 feet 5 lol )

  9. #9
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by skrillexbb View Post
    I know a lot of people who started early ,and they are fine today ... I think that it is a case by case... I have a friend who were taking test, HGH, insulin ,tren ........ all year long and he fell fine and don't have prob (exepte the fact that he is maybe sort 5 feet 5 lol )
    Ya that's what i'm wondering, is it just a gamble? Hoping you get lucky? and I'm 5'11-6foot, dad is exact same, almost identical when it comes to body types/height/weight etc... My dad used to workout at my age and he stayed around 7% bodyfat and 175lbs, Mind you back then he was in a family of 8, that didn't have the most protein possible on hand

  10. #10
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan111557 View Post
    So is shutting down based on total RANDOMNESS? Also if it starts to decline at 25, wouldn't that mean age 24 is a higher testosterone level than age 20? Are these conditions shutting down/erectile disfunction/infertile etc... all based on randomness, or doing a cycle wrong?
    seriously??? did you read my post? dont do steroids until your endocrine system is matured.
    you are 18- that gives you 7 years to research, join a gym and start eating.
    1. your endocrine system is imature- it cant handle steroids without melting down-
    2. your test levels will shut down- your balls need to mature so they can recover after PCT.

    measure your balls and tell us what size they are currently.

  11. #11
    Psychoeric210's Avatar
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    It's all about choices. The short term advantages out weigh the long term disadvantages and risks IMHO. What happens when you are the small% that loses erectile function early, damages their libido, gets gyno, or has to go on HRT/TRT for the rest of your life? Any idea how expensive RT is if you don't have insurance....hell, even if you do. When the vets say 25 it's not a random number, there's science behind it. Research, reading, and study will get ya a long way. (Not trying to blast ya either) Just everybody is different. I've heard of some horror stories and seen some s*it.

  12. #12
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    Also, everybody that cycles runs the potential risks associated with AAS. Even @ 25+. It's not a coincidence that many old-timers (I say this in a loving fashion lol) who have ran many many many many cycles, are themselves on TRT and the such. Search "viagra" or "cialis" or "balding" or "infertility" and see how many posts come up.

  13. #13
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Simon1972 View Post
    seriously??? did you read my post? dont do steroids until your endocrine system is matured.
    you are 18- that gives you 7 years to research, join a gym and start eating.
    1. your endocrine system is imature- it cant handle steroids without melting down-
    2. your test levels will shut down- your balls need to mature so they can recover after PCT.

    measure your balls and tell us what size they are currently.
    Measure my balls? Want me to take pic and send you? want me to shave them first? maybe do a nice little design for you? And your saying your test levels will shut down.. so this is 100% no matter what, everyone under 25 got to go on trt i guess right?

  14. #14
    Simon1972's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan111557 View Post
    Measure my balls? Want me to take pic and send you? want me to shave them first? maybe do a nice little design for you? And your saying your test levels will shut down.. so this is 100% no matter what, everyone under 25 got to go on trt i guess right?
    yes a picture would be nice, thanks for offering.

    yes 100% your test levels will drop off to Zero and your balls will shrink- you need pct to bring them back to size and producing test- this takes months to recover from - thats why you need PCT. when you are 18 and underdeveloped- chances are you will have irreversable effects on your balls- and you might have to go on trt...its not a game- this is risky and you need a doctor to guide you through this.

    think about this- i dont know you- i dont care about you and how much money you throw away chasing steroids . i could save myself the greif and say "yes" take steroids you'll be fine,- but im not saying that.

    take the time , wait until you are 25 and do this right. dont mess yourself up for what you think is a quick fix.
    Last edited by Simon1972; 04-12-2012 at 10:52 PM.

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan111557 View Post
    Measure my balls? Want me to take pic and send you? want me to shave them first? maybe do a nice little design for you? And your saying your test levels will shut down.. so this is 100% no matter what, everyone under 25 got to go on trt i guess right?
    your right you dont understand and you are arguing with people who do understand
    it has nothing to do with what your testosterone levels are at
    Once you start injecting hormones your body is going to stop producing them. if your 19 , 22, or 30 it doesnt matter
    At 22 your system isnt fully developed. So shutting it down an undeveloped system can damage it. And it may not start producing normal levels of hormones again
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    So you are saying at an underdeveloped age, there is a chance that PCT does not recover my balls? Do you know statistically how high the chance is?

  17. #17
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan111557 View Post
    So you are saying at an underdeveloped age, there is a chance that PCT does not recover my balls? Do you know statistically how high the chance is?
    no. everyone is different. it depends on what you run, how long you run it at what dosages. There are to many variables to give statistics.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  18. #18
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    no. everyone is different. it depends on what you run, how long you run it at what dosages. There are to many variables to give statistics.
    So wouldn't that mean you can run something weak, and have an extremely low chance compared to others?

  19. #19
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dylan111557 View Post
    So wouldn't that mean you can run something weak, and have an extremely low chance compared to others?
    your may not recover as well as me or your best friend. Everyone is different. shut down is shut down, damage to your endocrine system in nothing something to mess with. You may may recover but only a percentage of where you were at. So yes you can run something weak and have lower levels then you would have for the rest of your life.

    Something weak like anavar . There are guys that run it at 80mgs and have no issues. Other guys who run it at 40mgs and cant get an erection 2 weeks later. Who know which one you are?

    honestly its your body do what you want. You seem like you are looking for an excuse to do it or someone to say the risk will be low. Nobody can answer that. You will be the one to deal with the consequences after.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  20. #20
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    your may not recover as well as me or your best friend. Everyone is different. shut down is shut down, damage to your endocrine system in nothing something to mess with. You may may recover but only a percentage of where you were at. So yes you can run something weak and have lower levels then you would have for the rest of your life.

    Something weak like anavar . There are guys that run it at 80mgs and have no issues. Other guys who run it at 40mgs and cant get an erection 2 weeks later. Who know which one you are?

    honestly its your body do what you want. You seem like you are looking for an excuse to do it or someone to say the risk will be low. Nobody can answer that. You will be the one to deal with the consequences after.
    I'm not looking for an excuse, I've read multiple threads about this. And I'm just trying to find concrete reasons to why it can not be done under 25. Which I have found, but most were based on ''i shouldnt of started so early i didnt even know what i was doing or/ i didnt even do a pct'' Which leads my mind to be curious in the thought that maybe if done correctly, there would be little risk? That is all. And if you were taking something like anavar, and you tried it for short amount to test out how your body would ''bounce back'' is that possible? I also forget if i mentioned it, but I have not been working out long enough to be classified as knowing nutrition or my body enough to even conside taking gear. Just trying to get knowledge.

  21. #21
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    it isnt something you test out. so tech you could take some to " test out" and not bounce back ever. Or you may " bounce back from your test. So then run it again for real and never bounce back because the combo of shutting it down twice has screwed you.

    your rolling the dice no matter how you want to word it. Like i said its your body, running something "weak" and gaining 5lbs isnt worth the risk of erection issues for life. I would rather be skinny and be able to fvck.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  22. #22
    dylan111557's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    it isnt something you test out. so tech you could take some to " test out" and not bounce back ever. Or you may " bounce back from your test. So then run it again for real and never bounce back because the combo of shutting it down twice has screwed you.

    your rolling the dice no matter how you want to word it. Like i said its your body, running something "weak" and gaining 5lbs isnt worth the risk of erection issues for life. I would rather be skinny and be able to fvck.
    Alright, thanks for the great info man! Ya got to keep my dikc running! And out of curiosity, at what age did you being to juice?

  23. #23
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    22.. was on trt before 30. That was also 13 years ago before i knew better or there was this much info out there
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  24. #24
    Chuckdiesel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    it isnt something you test out. so tech you could take some to " test out" and not bounce back ever. Or you may " bounce back from your test. So then run it again for real and never bounce back because the combo of shutting it down twice has screwed you.

    your rolling the dice no matter how you want to word it. Like i said its your body, running something "weak" and gaining 5lbs isnt worth the risk of erection issues for life. I would rather be skinny and be able to fvck.
    Haha, amen to that brother!

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