I currently Have 10mL of Sustan 350 and 10ML of Deca 250.
I planned on doing 1mL of each a week.
Any Advice on how to Pin this stack and my doses?
Is any Nolvadex necessary for this cycle?
Im currently 6'0 190Lbs BF% 12
Ok to come clean because in order for you guys to give me good help I should spill the beans.
3 months ago without doing any research I got a Bottle of Tes/Deca pre mix I think it was 375mg a mL(I dont know the Ratio of the Tes and Deca)
I did 8 Weeks
I pinned myself every Sunday and Wednesday
Weeks 1-3 .5mL
Weeks 2-5 .75mL
Weeks 6-8 .5mL
I started at about 215 and dropped down to a good 193 I got nice muscle and strength gains and have managed to keep them.
I ran no Ai or PCT I was told by my jack the magic bean dealer that it wasn't necessary because I wasn't doing high enough doses.
I hope you can understand that I was very embarrassed about doing that cycle blindly without doing research.
My next cycle I do I just want to do it the right way so I hope you guys can help me out.