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Thread: First Cycle Sustan/Deca Advice needed

  1. #1

    First Cycle Sustan/Deca Advice needed

    I currently Have 10mL of Sustan 350 and 10ML of Deca 250.
    I planned on doing 1mL of each a week.
    Any Advice on how to Pin this stack and my doses?
    Is any Nolvadex necessary for this cycle?
    Im currently 6'0 190Lbs BF% 12

    Ok to come clean because in order for you guys to give me good help I should spill the beans.
    3 months ago without doing any research I got a Bottle of Tes/Deca pre mix I think it was 375mg a mL(I dont know the Ratio of the Tes and Deca)
    I did 8 Weeks
    I pinned myself every Sunday and Wednesday
    Weeks 1-3 .5mL
    Weeks 2-5 .75mL
    Weeks 6-8 .5mL

    I started at about 215 and dropped down to a good 193 I got nice muscle and strength gains and have managed to keep them.
    I ran no Ai or PCT I was told by my jack the magic bean dealer that it wasn't necessary because I wasn't doing high enough doses.

    I hope you can understand that I was very embarrassed about doing that cycle blindly without doing research.
    My next cycle I do I just want to do it the right way so I hope you guys can help me out.
    Last edited by The_BFA; 04-16-2012 at 09:45 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    how old are you,
    That not really a good first or any cycle.
    i would get rid of the deca and get another bottle of sust.
    yes you will need nolva and clomid and also an ai for use on cycle
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  3. #3
    Im 19,
    It would't be a problem for me to just get another bottle of sust if that would work out better for me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Wait for it...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    You will find yourself in a world with so many problems that even a specialized doctor may not be able to sort out for you if you do this cycle at the age of 19.

    With your current stats of 6'0 190Lbs BF% 12, you don't need to cycle at all.

    You need to hit the diet section and figure out the best diet for your goals.

    Save your money for food and supplementation, not roids.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    how old are you,
    That not really a good first or any cycle.
    i would get rid of the deca and get another bottle of sust.
    yes you will need nolva and clomid and also an ai for use on cycle
    I did some more reading and i think it would be in my best interest to run straight sust 350.
    If I got another bottle(shouldn't be a problem) would I run my cycle like this?
    Week 1-12 .5mL Pinned every MWF at 525mg a week?

    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    You will find yourself in a world with so many problems that even a specialized doctor may not be able to sort out for you if you do this cycle at the age of 19.

    With your current stats of 6'0 190Lbs BF% 12, you don't need to cycle at all.

    You need to hit the diet section and figure out the best diet for your goals.

    Save your money for food and supplementation, not roids.
    Could you expand a little more on why the Sust and Deca would be bad for me at my age and current stats?
    Would you see a big problem with me just running sust?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Wow bro.. when i read you were 19 i spat my chicken out in shock.
    your to young for this game man im sure all the vets around here will have a million reasons why you shouldnt cycle under the age of 25 pre saved in their copy paste action. most importantly YOUR JOHNSON WILL NOT GET HARD!!!!!!!!!!!
    do some research and eat.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by snowbo View Post
    Wow bro.. when i read you were 19 i spat my chicken out in shock.
    your to young for this game man im sure all the vets around here will have a million reasons why you shouldnt cycle under the age of 25 pre saved in their copy paste action. most importantly YOUR JOHNSON WILL NOT GET HARD!!!!!!!!!!!
    do some research and eat.
    Yeah I may have started early simply because my workout partner and the guy I got my bottles from have been training me for the last year and 4 months.
    The first year naturally I dropped from like 248(pretty much all fat) to about 200 then I put on some weight and got to 215 then did that very poorly thought-out cycle without any research im glad I never got any side effects or symptoms of gyno. And that my johnson still gets hard.
    It sucks now that I have the bottles and opportunity to do another cycle sometime this summer I would like to do it.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    It is very likely if you run a Deca & Sust cycle at the age of 19 that your johnson may never get hard again.

    How about that?

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Turkish Juicer View Post
    It is very likely if you run a Deca & Sust cycle at the age of 19 that your johnson may never get hard again.

    How about that?
    Yeah I have decided that running that cycle is not in my best interest.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Vancouver, BC
    Quote Originally Posted by The_BFA

    Yeah I have decided that running that cycle is not in my best interest.
    Running ANY cycle of AAS at your age is not in your best interests. People aren't saying this for fun or that they don't want some guy to get big... you have enough juice pumping through you right now to see gains that you'll love.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by The_BFA View Post
    Yeah I may have started early simply because my workout partner and the guy I got my bottles from have been training me for the last year and 4 months.
    The first year naturally I dropped from like 248(pretty much all fat) to about 200 then I put on some weight and got to 215 then did that very poorly thought-out cycle without any research im glad I never got any side effects or symptoms of gyno. And that my johnson still gets hard.
    It sucks now that I have the bottles and opportunity to do another cycle sometime this summer I would like to do it.
    im glad you didnt get any sides from the cycle mate but take what were saying very seriously.. you tempted fate and came out ok for now. thats not to say that in months or even years time it will come back to bite you.

    it does suck you have the bottles and i know how anxious you would be to start another cycle but trust me when i say the cost of the gear you have is far less then the monetary, physical and mental cost you will have to go through if you do another cycle and it fvcks you up.

    for now just train hard and eat big.. eat 4000+ calories for the next couple of weeks and see how big you get you will seriously surprise yourself

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