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Thread: First cycle advice

  1. #1

    First cycle advice

    Hi guys,

    I'm going to start my first cycle, I've done abit of research and am pretty sure I have everything right, but thought of post just incase.
    I've read plenty of time that for a first timer it's a good idea to do a test only cycle. So, I'll be running 250mg of sus every 6 days for 8 weeks, followed by clomid for 3 weeks, starting 3 weeks after the last pin.
    I'll be running finestide to combat hair loss, and taking saw palmetto(I'm prone to hair loss).
    Is there anything else I'm missing? I was considering having an AI handy to combat gyno, but I've read mixed things on if it's actually needed for a first timer on a low dosage. Any advice?

    Other than that, I think I've sorted everything else out. Any input is appreciated.
    P.s, I'm 28, working out for about 2yrs now, weigh a healthy 66kg with 12%body fat. Looking at using this as a bulking method. Not keen on using deca or anything else on my first cycle tho.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Run Sus 10 weeks @ 500mg a week.You will need a AI like Adex .25 eod to start.PCT nova and clomid.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the response songdog, In relation to taking 500mg pw, ive read in an 8week cycle id be looking at gains of around 15-20pounds (thats very maximum), so would a 500mg dose pw be alittle overboard? ive been clean and natural lifting for awhile now, so i dont particularly want to explode out, i have a pretty lean/athletic physique as is, so i dont want it to be noticable to the family and friends if i suddenly just explode in size. Thats why i was thinking the 250mg over 8 weeks. let me know your thoughts, as the articles ive been reading could obviously be incorrect..... we all know how accurate the internet can be

    Adex, not an issue, had a feeling a AI would need to be purchased, 30 1mg tabs, if i chop em up into 4, im good to go and share em with my brother who's also doing the same cycle as i will be and have plenty left over.

    last question ive got at this stage, why nova and clomid at the same time? i thought just the clomid on its own would suffice??

    thanks again for your help with this guys
    Last edited by Gt4junkie; 04-16-2012 at 09:21 PM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Edit your post bro no price talk.And how much you gain depends on your diet.The reason behind running Sus 10 weeks is the long ester in it.Now if you wanted a 8 week u should run prop.

  5. #5
    No probs man, edited
    My diet atm is pretty good, I'll just be ramping up the calorie intake during the cycle, so I'm thinking my gains will be pretty good,n I work my damn ass off in the gym 5 times a week atm.
    Ok, so I'll up it to 10weeks, I've read n heard great things about sus, hence the reason I'm keen on it for my first cycle.
    Adex sorted, but there's no way I could get away with just the clomid for 3 weeks post cycle?

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