Hey guys, been cutting for the last 5 weeks natty and have had tremendous results (14%-10%). My diet and cardio and pinpointed and it feels awesome to know I didn't have to cycle at all even with past AAS use.

Now i'm at the point where my strength is declining a little bit and I think I may be losing a small amount of muscle but nothing major.

I want to add in test prop at 350mg/wk to bring out the veins a little more and help hold onto muscle while calorie restricted.

I was wondering if this would be a smart idea, but im afraid of water retention considering im after the hard dense shredded look that's coming along nicely. I also have access to masterone, winny, and anavar but i'm unsure what is a good route to take. IMO, I want to use the test until im down to about 7%, then use mast, winny, or anavar to get down to 5%. I think it's still to early to use them with visable results.