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Thread: Next cycle, looking for advice :)

  1. #1

    Smile Next cycle, looking for advice :)

    Last edited by hallithk; 09-25-2021 at 12:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    20 is too young. Curious when and what was your first cycle and pct?

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    20 is too young. Curious when and what was your first cycle and pct?
    First cycle was 12 weeks Test E starting at 250 mg EW and ending at 500 mg EW (8 weeks 250mg 4 weeks 500mg).
    PCT was really similar to this cycle except I only used HCG at the end of the cycle not during. And this was last summer.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by BreakingFace View Post
    I´m guessing you mean lifting stats?
    DL 600 lbs
    SQ 530 lbs (unwrapped)
    BP 330 lbs
    All lifts raw with good form

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Those are good stats. So good i have to wonder why you wanna use. 8% bf? Prob should show somethibg to validate

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by cebby1985 View Post
    Those are good stats. So good i have to wonder why you wanna use. 8% bf? Prob should show somethibg to validate
    Right now I am focusing on bodybuilding, lifting big weights is just extra , and yeah my bf is currently low because I was competing in a bodybuilding competition 2 weeks ago
    (sorry for rather bad english)

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    post proelia praemia
    Quote Originally Posted by cebby1985 View Post
    Those are good stats. So good i have to wonder why you wanna use. 8% bf? Prob should show somethibg to validate
    I agree, op post a pic

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    I agree, op post a pic
    No problem =) ......
    Last edited by hallithk; 09-25-2021 at 12:07 PM. Reason: removed photo

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by hallithk View Post
    No problem =) Attachment 122107
    My bf was lower in these pictures (cutting for a show, 2 weeks ago), I am "fat" again lol, started eating like a normal person again.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    look good bro.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    post proelia praemia
    ok then, age dosnt come into it when you dedicated as you clearly are

    deca at 500mg week, 250 aint enough for decent gains i.m.o

    hcg from week 1, its cheap and has far more pro's than cons so why not? 250 i.u twice per week

    add clomid to the pct, 100/100/50/50

    you need to use an a.i. to regulate estrogen and with the 19 nor (deca) prolactin could also be a problem if estrogen isnt controlled, look into armidex or aromasin, either will be fine

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by DanB View Post
    ok then, age dosnt come into it when you dedicated as you clearly are

    deca at 500mg week, 250 aint enough for decent gains i.m.o What I have heard is that if the amount of Test=Deca is not good, is that bs or is 500mg of test and deca EW good to go?

    hcg from week 1, its cheap and has far more pro's than cons so why not? 250 i.u twice per week Ok will do

    add clomid to the pct, 100/100/50/50 Roger

    you need to use an a.i. to regulate estrogen and with the 19 nor (deca) prolactin could also be a problem if estrogen isnt controlled, look into armidex or aromasin, either will be fine Ok will do also
    BTW thanks for the answer

  14. #14
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    post proelia praemia
    people generally say more test than deca to prevent ''deca dick'' by controlling your estrogen and in turn prolactin by using an a.i. then this shouldnt be a problem, so yes I personally would run 500mg of each and wouldnt be worried

  15. #15
    hypocrisy, this guy is 20 yrs old and your giving him advice. wtf dan what do you mean she does not matter the same rules should apply regardless of dedication because of safety issues. do you realize that every other twenty your old that came to this forum would look like him in those pics because of dedication. not to discredit his hard work because he does look good but you how can you tell someone else that they are too young for advice and then give him advice because of a couple of photos. The bottom line is that he is too young for steroid use or advice from a hypocrite

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    he is like many members here who use steroids under the age of 25 for competitive purposes myself included, he has ran a cycle, i'm sure he is well informed on the risks, at the level he is at he wont progress without AAS, I tell people that arent ready for steroids i.e. 5'8 140lbs not to use, 18-40 they simply arent ready, I used steroids at 18 when I wasnt ready for them so yes mabey its hypocrisy that I say to certain people they too young or mabey I try encourage people not to make the same mistakes that I have

    When your at his level then age dosnt come into it i.m.o he is trying to be competitive in his sport and cant advance without AAS, how much naturally do you think he has left in him? very little if any I'd say

  17. #17
    just saying Dan, but your still alright with me. I think there should be one standard and we should stick to it because too young is too young regardless of competing or not. there are all natural competitions. I see where your coming from but I hope you can see my point of view what if your son was being fed advice on steroids by another grown ass man condoning to usage at the age of 20. shit he's one year out of his teens

  18. #18
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    post proelia praemia
    yes I agree that its wrong to chop and change standards but there is always exceptional circumstances and i.m.o this is one of them, the way I see it is this, either he uses AAS and advances in his sport or dosnt and gets left behind, I'm sure he knows the risks and has accepted them because he wants to go as far as he possibly can, and he also proposed a fairly complete cycle so has obviously researched and would also have fair knowledge of AAS and risks from the various people he associates with i.e bodybuilders, trainers etc now if his cycle proposal had of been a clueless tren only etc then my response would of been different

    its just my opinion and I can see why you disagree, but I imagine his mind is made up and he is focused on advancing further regardless of the risks so I'd rather help him then say nothing and see another gyno reversal thread or something similar,

    thats all my ramblings of thinking out loud lol my main point is that i.m.o there are exceptions to almost every rule and in his case he is an exception to our general policy

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Very impressive op. If you hang out on this forum youll notice that every first timer is 6'1" 240 w 10% bf. Your big three are impressive and your physique shows it. Great work.

    Everything dan said about your cycle is spot on so go w it.

    As far as your age; well id be a hypocrite for telling you no. I did the same.thing but.for powerlifting purposes and the results were numbers that some never achieve and your.clearly in the same boat w bodybuilding and knowledgeable about lifting and diet. Its not like its.your first day in the gym and by the way it sounds its not.your first cycle? Either way, youre not a noob who thinks working legs consists of leg curls.

  20. #20
    look im not taking anything away from him the kid is spot on im just saying thats all. cebby I couldn't tell if you were trying to be a smartass? ?

  21. #21
    and where did the leg workout comment come from? ? ? was that some type of half witted attempt of sarcasm towards me? ? lol either way I could be mistaken its hard to pick up a persons tone when your reading what they wrote so if not then apologies and disregard

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    The reason you don't give advice to any regular 18-24 year old is because most of those people just use AAS to impress others or just look good overall. When you compete it's a whole different ballpark, I 100% agree with Dan. Unless you have any clue on actual competitive bodybuilding then you should keep your opinions to yourself savage.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Your cycle looks solid, almost perfect. You could increase the amount of Deca but it's not necessary, and I also would have to complement you on your physique, strength, and knowledge.

    Do it bro.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by LolWuter View Post
    Your cycle looks solid, almost perfect. You could increase the amount of Deca but it's not necessary, and I also would have to complement you on your physique, strength, and knowledge.

    Do it bro.
    Thanks man

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Edit. Posted again by accident.

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