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  1. #1
    dann3 is offline New Member
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    Second Cycle. Prop+Tren


    This will be my second cycle. First cycle was 8 weeks test prop 75mg/ED.

    This is what i've got so far:

    Age: 25
    Height: 5'11
    Weight: 182lbs
    bf: 8-9%
    Lifting experience: 6 years

    3000kcal/day, (27%P,52%C,21%F)
    Cals will be increased when needed.

    w 1-8 Testosterone Propionate 30mg/ED
    w 1-8 Trenbolone Acetate 100mg/ED
    w 1-8 Armidex 0.25mg/EOD (drop 1 day before PCT)
    w 1-8 HCG 250iu x2/week (monday & thursday) (drop 5 days before PCT)
    w 1-8 VitaminB6 300mg x3/day

    PCT: (start 3 days after last injection)
    Nolva: 40/20/20/20
    Clomid: 100/50/50/50
    VitaminC: 2g/2g/2g/2g

    Letrozole on hand.

    Any input/advice would be appreciated

    Last edited by dann3; 04-20-2012 at 02:32 AM.

  2. #2
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    umm, tren use should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before dropping test, so either make it a 10 week cycle, or drop tren after week 6. also, i'd say it's too much tren for your first tren experience. a lot of people here will tell that running tren for a second cycle is a bad idea. 700mg/week of tren is too much for a first timer, you're gonna get whacked completely. reduce the dosage to 50mg/ED and up the test to 50mg/ED

  3. #3
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    When are u planning your second cycle?

  4. #4
    adamjames is offline Member
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    i wouldent run HCG on an 8 week cycle myself, not all the way through anyway

  5. #5
    pointblank is offline Junior Member
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    I would do 50mg Tren ED for the first 3 shots and if sides are tolerable, go to 75mg for another 3 shots and then move to the 100mg

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    TREN is not for a second cycle. What was your first cycle that got you to a wopping 185lbs. Skip the tren.

  7. #7
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Drop tren to 50mg/ed and increase prop to 50mg/ed. Agree that you should extend the prop to 10 wks and perhaps drop tren after week 8. I personally will run tren up to 12 weeks right along side of my test but this may be the best guidance for your 2nd cycle.

  8. #8
    DamageDealer is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pointblank View Post
    I would do 50mg Tren ED for the first 3 shots and if sides are tolerable, go to 75mg for another 3 shots and then move to the 100mg
    still too much for a first experience with tren . he's gonna get smashed upping the tren to 100mg/ED. if that's REAL tren, that is. not some underdosed crap

  9. #9
    pheenyx1's Avatar
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    Listen to these guys. Tren is no joke. I'm on it for my 4th cycle and most people would say THAT is jumping the gun. Try dbol or even deca w/ test as your second cycle.

  10. #10
    pheenyx1's Avatar
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    And where is the caber?

  11. #11
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pointblank View Post
    I would do 50mg Tren ED for the first 3 shots and if sides are tolerable, go to 75mg for another 3 shots and then move to the 100mg
    A man once said its better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. You will not feel anything after 3 shots.So why would you have him bump it up.Bro you dont have a clue about wat you are talking about.

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
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    Well it not hard to see you dont read much or you wouldnt be running tren .And at the dose you chose.This is your 2nd cycle and you only weigh 182 @5'11.Wat was your starting weight.I would think way below wat it shouldve been.But if you are going to run it.You better drop the dose to 50mgED or you will regret it.

  13. #13
    pointblank is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    A man once said its better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt. You will not feel anything after 3 shots.So why would you have him bump it up.Bro you dont have a clue about wat you are talking about.
    this is exactly what i did and it worked out for me so pls go.

    News flash buddy, not everybody get bad sides from Tren ...I sleep like a log and barely get any night sweats on tren.

  14. #14
    songdog's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pointblank View Post
    this is exactly what i did and it worked out for me so pls go.

    News flash buddy, not everybody get bad sides from Tren...I sleep like a log and barely get any night sweats on tren.
    Like I said that is STUPID advice.And I know I wont be the only one who thinks so.Only a fool starts out with tren that high.But I guess the shoe fits dont it.

  15. #15
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pointblank View Post
    this is exactly what i did and it worked out for me so pls go.

    News flash buddy, not everybody get bad sides from Tren...I sleep like a log and barely get any night sweats on tren.
    Then you either had really weak tren or are a rare oddity. So majority of people do get sides so i wouldnt give that advice because of your stand alone issue. And sides arent the only reason to run a lower dose. 700mg a week is way to much for a 2nd cycle and 1st cycle of tren.

    Next time think alittle before you give someone advice that coudl be dangerous to them
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  16. #16
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pointblank View Post
    this is exactly what i did and it worked out for me so pls go.
    and i can run 2500mgs of test a week with no issues. Doesnt mean i would tell someone else to do it. THINK before you give advice.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  17. #17
    dann3 is offline New Member
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    thanks for the input guys.

    I cant seem to quote without getting the spam message..

    My reasoning for choosing tren is because i want the lean hard gains. I know sides can be harsh. I dont want to run dbol /deca etc because of the bloat. I thought i'd just grab the bull by its horns and run tren. Sides will be equally bad regardless if I have 1 cycle under my belt or 20 cycles. If sides are unbareable i'll just discontinue the cycle.

    tho, from what ive read of people running tren is that sides are only monsterous if Test is also high, but people who run low dose test(200-250/week) seem to experience less or even minimal sides. So I wont be upping the prop.

    I will however consider dropping the tren to 50mg/ED after so many of you recommend it.


    I have a follow up question regarding the PCT timing;

    Why should the Tren be dropped 2 weeks before the Prop? Both have an active life of 3 days. What am I missing here?


  18. #18
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    wow 2500mg of Test a week....I would be foaming at the

  19. #19
    SAMS_DAD's Avatar
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    if you do plan to incorporate tren , do run it for 50mg throughout your whole cycle. More doesn't necessarily mean your going to yield better gains. Tren is strong and also very harsh so w/this being your first go at it (i wouldn't advise running it as a 2nd cycle), i'd stick to 50mg ed. Trust me, even at 50mg the sides could be harsh and some users drop the tren mid cycle cause they just can't deal w/it. My sweetspot is 75mg tren/50mg prop ed and i'm a freakin beast in the gym on those dosages. If you train right and eat properly, tren at 50mg ed should yield great results. (also, 5 11 at 182 is pretty light. Most vets will tell you to grow more naturally first)

  20. #20
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    wow 2500mg of Test a week....I would be foaming at the
    No shit, how big are you?

    You gotta be close to the guy I seen at the gym last week curling 110 in each arm in solid form. Fvcking monsterous!

  21. #21
    NewMuscle83's Avatar
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    I'm running tren for the first time right now. I assure you you don't want to run 100mg ed. You'll feel like shit bro I swear. And even if you have alien genetics and can handle it, where the **** do you go from there? 200mg ed for your next cycle? Keep it at 50/50 prop/tren. I'm 4 weeks on that dose and I've never looked this ridiculous in my life. No way I can take my shirt off and try to tell people it's all chicken breast and broccoli. I'm that yolked FOUR WEEKS in.

    Also don't get tempted to do eod for convenience. I made that mistake at first and as soon as switched to ed sides became almost non existent.

  22. #22
    pheenyx1's Avatar
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    "My reasoning for choosing tren is because i want the lean hard gains. I know sides can be harsh. I dont want to run dbol /deca etc because of the bloat. I thought i'd just grab the bull by its horns and run tren . Sides will be equally bad regardless if I have 1 cycle under my belt or 20 cycles . If sides are unbareable i'll just discontinue the cycle . "

    You are right that the sides you get are the sides you get regardless of how many cycles you have done, but more cycle experience means better understanding of what sides are caused by what, and how your body reacts to different ancillary compounds. There are plenty of AAS that can give you good lean gains w/o bloat that dont come with the complications of tren.
    Last edited by pheenyx1; 04-21-2012 at 10:09 AM.

  23. #23
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironbeck View Post
    wow 2500mg of Test a week....I would be foaming at the
    Quote Originally Posted by samson_420 View Post
    No shit, how big are you?

    You gotta be close to the guy I seen at the gym last week curling 110 in each arm in solid form. Fvcking monsterous!
    i did it once when i was younger, when shit was cheap so a vial a week was no big deal. I was strong as hell but not worth doing again.
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

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