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Thread: Fresh start on steriods? advice?

  1. #1

    Fresh start on steriods? advice?

    hey everyone im starting off fresh on steroids as when i say that i used to have testprop about 2 years ago but i stoped
    i stoped because all igot is water retention and i looked fat and bloated which i didnt get or why i did?
    i had 2ml everyday days for 4 weeks. im 5'9 weight 80kms i can bench 98kg at the momment natural and i am 24 now.

    what im looking for now is a steroid that can boost my muscle up more my mates are on steroids and there cut and riped as n got got muscle tone
    at the moment im cut but i wanna be bigger and have alot more body physique. alot of my mates want me to get on it but i wanna take good advice first whats a good to have or take

  2. #2
    also when i had the test prob i had alot of growth but no tone , my chest was getting god but my face and arms n stomach just look bloated n no tone?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

  4. #4
    AGE 24
    WEIGHT 80kg
    BENCH 98KG
    been training for 4 years without steroids for only 4 weeks at one point
    i got a good diet but wasnt to sure if it was a real or fake steroid or if it was suitable for me
    one of my mates is 25 hes on something starting with O i couldn't really pronounce what steroid hes using but he has been on it for a month and results are insane

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    you got fat and bloated because you were taking over a gram of testosterone EW, im assuming it was 100mg/1ml, so you took about 3 times what a first cycle should be

  6. #6
    how much you spose to have because 1ml is very low? my mates do 2ml every 2 days and there on there 1st cycle? cause one bottle comes in 10ml right? so i just took 1 ml every 2 days instead thought that was ok?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    ml means nothing. Things come different mg's per ml, how man mg's were you taking?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  8. #8
    just had 10mg's in one little bottle so i took 1mg every 2 days

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    no. you had a 10ml vial. a ml is a measurement of volume. Like a cup, a gallon, a pint.
    steroids come different mg's per ml. Thats how much drug is acutally in the ml

    just like you can get a gallon for gas, and get 87 octane, 91 or 93 and so on. all you are saying is i used a gallon of gas. I want to know what octane was the gas
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  10. #10
    it had 10ml on the bottle and i jsut took 1m of it every 2 days and i had 2 courses of it. sorry if im not explaining it will just trying to no things and how to do it right

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Tweak! Bud vials come I'n many different ml 10,20,25etc on the bottle it Shud say mg thats the strength per ml so 1 ml could have equaled 200mg 100mg? So what were u taken. Stick to what your friend is taken and ask him what strength or mg it is. Your prop was probably 100mg i don't recommend prop go with cyp or enanthate. But with the little knowledge u have i don't recommend any aas for u till u do more research
    Last edited by bigswoll; 04-21-2012 at 08:27 PM.

  12. #12
    oh ok thanks man starting to understand more so whats the best way to go cause dbol and tren i heard is best to have and have tren on mondays then dbol on weds and friday tren again and keep doin that or should i just stick with one steriod till i finish that bottle? the hardest part is trying to know what steriod to have because i no sus 250 just puffs you up i just dnt wanna have water rretetion as i did before but i might have took to much

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