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  1. #1
    Lil' Vic is offline New Member
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    17% bf and cutting

    Hey guys, I really need your help. I'm 5'7", 200 lbs and 17% bodyfat. I'm trying to get down to 5% for a show. Bout to run test e and eq for eight weeks, and then run four weeks of winni and tren . I'm lifting like a hog six days a week, busting out between one and two hours of cardio a day, and taking down about 2200 calories daily, with atleast 250 grams of protein. The weights not dropping though. What do you think?
    Last edited by Lil' Vic; 04-21-2012 at 02:27 PM. Reason: mispelled word

  2. #2
    blksavage's Avatar
    blksavage is offline Member
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    age? and your cycle needs work

  3. #3
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    that is a horrible cycle. You didnt say your dosages either of what you are running.
    Are you using an ai? Are you holding water from the test?
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  4. #4
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    You said your about to begin so what do you mean weights not coming off?? If your not on yet if course your not gonna c results. That's not a good cycle to cut tell us what u intend on running(mg wise) and how old you are how long you been training and don't matter how much your killing it at gym if your diet sucks. List your diet u might not be eating enough or eating frequently enough.

  5. #5
    Lil' Vic is offline New Member
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    I'm thirty nine years old. I'm eating six to seven times a day. 2200 calories, about 250 grams of protein, 150 grams of carbs (with a high carb day every 5th day), and about 50 to 70 grams of fat. I need to fix my post. Started my cycle of 750 mg of test e/weekly and 400 mg of Eg/weekly about sixteen days ago. I've dropped about two pounds, half a percentage point on my bf, and haven't lost any muscle. Just feel like the fat should be coming off quicker. I'm looking a lot harder already, just not seeing the bodyfat drop all that quickly. In about seven weeks I'm going to come off the test and run tren with winni tabs. Should I up my cardio, lower my calories, or cut my carbs more. Any advice is appreciated.

  6. #6
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    ten for first cycle is a very bad idea.
    and tren with out test. Say good buy to your d!ck working.
    you need to do alot more research, of course your not getting lighter on 750mg of test a week. Your friend is a moron who suggested this to you.
    Drop your test dosage, get an ai, forget the tren and winny
    If people can't tell your on steroids then your doing them wrong

  7. #7
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    You may not being at a large enough deficit to lose fat too quickly. Have you set down and figured up your tdee?

    Also why do you want to.come off test to run tren and win?

  8. #8
    Lil' Vic is offline New Member
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    What if I drop the Eq and substitute it with tren ? I hate to sound dense, but I expected some water gain from the test. No biggie. And yes, I'm taking Nolvadex at 20 mg a day, and have clomid on hand for post cycle. Not really concerned with numbers on the scale, as I am with mass and bodyfat ratios. Just wondering how to maximize bodyfat loss on a cycle like this. I have buddies that can't get cut unless there at about 50 mg of carbs a day, and others who swear that I will lose size if I drop my carbs that low. Ugh.....

  9. #9
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    R u serious with running tren and winni with no test? U didn't do your research bud b4 u started and how long have u been on this cycle? U need to do what Gixxer said stop everything do your pct now. Get Clen and do some HIIT up your reps 15-25. If you do decide to stay on i wudnt drop Eq at all( i know there's mixed reviews about Eq) however i train for a living a work with top notch bodybuilders they will step Eq to about 600 a week and like i said get some Clen or Winny. Also i wid have replaced tren with masteron or primo. Stop with the carb cycling. Have some slow digesting carbs I'n morning and 1hr b4 workout with the other meals stick to your vegetables with your protein. Only time to have simple carbs is immediately following workout.Hopefully your ingesting protein and carbs every meal. Eat 1.5 times your bodyweight I'n protein so u don't lose muscle. And eat ever 2.5 to 3hrs a day . Absolutely no sugar or salt. If you do this u will cut. I promise
    Last edited by bigswoll; 04-21-2012 at 04:11 PM.

  10. #10
    Lil' Vic is offline New Member
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    Bigswoll, thank you for that response. Been on cycle for sixteen days only. I studied up, but didn't research the effects of running tren without test. I definitely wont do that. I was thinking about sticking with the Eq and upping it to 600 mg a week, which is what I read a few others suggest. I'm definitely going to look into getting some Clen now. I've got about a month's worth of Winny. Was saving it for the last four weeks of my cycle. Got a lot of Tren, but maybe I'll save it for my next cycle. Right now I'm just running the Test e and Eq. Am going to stick with both, and up my Eq to 600 mg a week. My protein intake has been good. I have to watch the sugar and salt though. I guess I should cut out the ketchup with my ground turkey, huh?

  11. #11
    bigswoll is offline Banned
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    Yes mustard is fine and limit fruit only after post work out. No white anything!!!! Whole grain and sweet potatoes for your complex carbs such as brown rice , whole wheat bread , whole wheat pasta. Oats, oatmeal etc. Those are for morning and 1hr pre workout. After workout simple carbs ( white potato, rice, bread etc. To spike insulin and maybe a piece of fruit. Only water! No diet cokes, juice , splenda , sweetlow. Jus water. No creatine either any questions feel free man got no problem helping someone that doesn't think they know it all

  12. #12
    Lil' Vic is offline New Member
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    Thanks again for the good advice. I'm going to actually utilize it. I'll post sometime soon on my progress.

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