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Thread: Will alternating ur delts if ur only shooting twice a week be ok?

  1. #1

    Will alternating ur delts if ur only shooting twice a week be ok?

    I mean i am doing 250 mg test ethanate, 200 mg decca, twice a week on like sunday and thursday...I was just wondering if i shoot my delts with a 25 gauge one inch pin.....alternate each side, is my lower body not gonna gain as much cause i shot the upper body?...Anyone do this , this is my first cycle..let know any draw backs to this....Thanks bros!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    should be no problems, ive been trying lots of new sites lately because im using 50mg/ml fort dodge eq and i need 12 ccs a week along with another 1.5 ccs of t400, so 13.5 cc's a week can be problemsome, nevertheless i think each delt 1nce a week is fine..along with each quad, each bicep, each tricep, and each glute, of luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    the delts are the best because you get the least muscle corks. The bigger the muscle the worse the cork i found.I rotate my shots with each shoulder and have taken 3ccs at a time - they handle it easy and there is less chance of hitting a nerve than shooting through your butt or leg.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    not if your shooting in the proper place of the butt, and im not sure how accurate this is but a power lifer friend of mine the other day told me to be careful of delt injections and always aspirate because he got some weird shit (not abcess, hematoma or something) and have to have it opened up etc...he explained that there are quite a few veins in the shoulder, but i think this varies from person to person, nonetheless i have tons of veins my legs as well...

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Tactical Range
    Your lower body will grow just the same as your upper body no matter where you shoot assuming your working that part of your body out. DJ already answered this question in your other thread, but besides swelling from the shoot, site injection provides no quicker muscle growth IMO.

  6. #6

    Ok, just building my comfort level

    Thanks bros, as we know education is the best medicine and i have been researching atleas 1.5 years, all the myths about roids..i could hve done roids when i was 18 cause i was 6'3 120 but i i am still 6'3 160 thanks for the advice!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Innervision
    Your lower body will grow just the same as your upper body no matter where you shoot assuming your working that part of your body out. DJ already answered this question in your other thread, but besides swelling from the shoot, site injection provides no quicker muscle growth IMO.
    love to see advocates of that opinion, peoples beliefs on the subject of site injections are so illogic and require so little thought to convince them, it boggles my mind...

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