Post Cycle Treatment: I hadnt even considered this until reading about it today. I am about to finish an Extreme Strength stack cycle. What would be advisible to do? Is PCT required?
I would appreciate any help about this!
Post Cycle Treatment: I hadnt even considered this until reading about it today. I am about to finish an Extreme Strength stack cycle. What would be advisible to do? Is PCT required?
I would appreciate any help about this!
What is an Extreme Strength stack cycle?Originally Posted by Baz
Yeah sorry!
D-anabol - 6x 25mg tablets/day
Tren75 - 4x75mg/day
Test-600X - 2x 600mg/day
Var-10 - 6x 10mg/day
+ 2x 100mg Pituitary Growth Hormone tablets a day.
Hope this helps!
[30 day cycle]
You're kidding right. Anybody know this guy?
Hahahadid you buy this from the banner above. ?
Yes. Extreme Strength stack is the banner the site gave . (shrug) so B*gger me - but is a Post Cycle Therapy needed or not? Iam very `green admittedly but if some one could elucidate I'd be very glad...
Your in luck, since it came from the banner above it's set up nice and safe so no PCT is required.
Dont forget to let us know what kind of gains you got and what you think.
Baz how far along in your "cycle" are you?
Just curious. Did you see the word supplement on the bottles anywhere ? No PCT needed.
"100% hormone free"
[Thanks to all for their replies]
Ahuh I'm clicking!! Glad to know that this cycle is a safe one. I would say, on the positive, that the products/supplements have positively worked better than anything else I've tried here in Australia. So that question is all sorted.
Further question:
How would you rate the strength of cycle I have just used as compared to one of the cycles you guys would use? [interested]
It's impossible to compare. That'd be like comparing non-alcoholic beer to 151 proof on the effectiveness of getting drunk.Originally Posted by Baz
Is there any way you can disclose some numbers for us? As in how much strength/weight/etc. you managed to gain by using these supplements, as well as other supplements you've taken previously (as you stated "the products/supplements have positively worked better than anything else I've tried").
Replying to JDBeretta quote: "It's like comparing non-alcoholic beer to 151 proof"
Baz: Yes that puts it plainly enough, thanks for enlightening me. Damn it, you see I really thought I had got hold of `nukes this last time...but, not so far
Replying to BBrian: "Is there any way you can disclose some numbers for us strength/weight/ gains etc.?"
The reasons for taking these was with the intention of fighting chronic fatigue & rejuvenating my system. I'm 22 & have been struggling with this since my late school years. Over the last 5years I have been & still am scouring the earth trying to find something powerful enough to over-ride & hopefully kick-start a completely rundown system. As taking your supplements, the most notable improvements was the increased energy & endurance levels, resistance to fatigue - sometimes experienced fits of much greater temporary strength. Point:Also noticed body rapidly re-bulking up of muscle that had been there previously without hardly trying!!
As for Further Advan***ents/Developements:I NEED TO RECALIBERATE FOR NOW... - (I dont want to ask un-wise questions )![]()
If anyone came across as impatient, it's because of the multiple people who post and don't accept the answer to the question they're asking - even when multiple people say the same answer.
Keep lifting and eating... Do your homework. A lot of guys on here will take the time to help you with info if you put in the effort to do some of your own research...
Yes. I'm just glad to know that there are a lot of guys out there, like yourself, that know a LOT more about this than I do & can help.
[Concerns now as to how I get some further intelligence but without asking any questions that could compromise others - questions not supposed to be asked, if you know what I mean] It's a fact that Australian Customs are one of the toughest in the world... So I will do as you say, - keep doing my homework, research it...
On a serious note, you should not be feeling what you are describing at the age of 22.
Go to a doctor and describe this then get a full blood test done.
Good luck bro!
Yeah Getting it sorted at the doc is probably safest. Got it samson 420.
Lol!!!! ....I'm inOriginally Posted by Igifuno
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