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  1. #1
    BLazTT is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    Please Could i have 5 minutes of your time.

    Ive been debating steroids for a few monhs now and i still really haven came to he conclsion of what i want to do, ive done my research on as much as i can and read all about the type and stuff on his forum which then lead me to here. i saw you get this question alot and you often/always say they are to young and need more time to develop and so on. but anyway ill give it a go, im 21 years old and 22 in october, im 206 pounds and around 5 10 maybe 5 11, im a very developed male, with good size, a mesamoprh pretty much, really good stength who eats impecably well, eating around 6 or 7 high protein meals getting the corret amount of carbs and fats i need a day with shakes and creatine and other little supps like multi vits, joint stuuff and all that stuff but ha no imorant, i workout alo and very hard when i do, i know his might sound weird asking if i should go on them becase my gains recenly have been really good and i continue to get bigger and stronger at a steady pace maybe a lile quicker than normal, i just keep thinking that how hard i work in the gym everyday combined with a good diet i think i wold benefit greatly from being on them and they wold really give me he phsyique i desire. i dont know if that came across the way i wanted it to but i would appreciate i very much if you could a give me maybe your opinion and maybe an idea of a beginner cycle. Thankyou

  2. #2
    Skyrinegt's Avatar
    Skyrinegt is offline Associate Member
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    Mar 2012
    You have to be the same guy asking this everyday seriously dude, get a trainer of someone that you want to look like and get them to coach you to train and eat proper, you will do way more with that then getting geared up at this stage

  3. #3
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Welcome to the forum BLazTT. Have you done any research on the undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA systems & how they may be permanently effected by cycling too young? There's good reason behind advising anyone under 25 to stay away from steroids .

  4. #4
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    Dec 2011
    If you're still making good gains, as you state, there is really no reason to start taking steroids , especially considering the risk associated with suppressing the gonadal axis while those organs are still under development. If your genetics are as wonderful as you claim, your best bet is to wait until you're closer to the age of 25 and have ceased to make good gains naturally.

  5. #5
    BLazTT is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012
    Hiiii guys thankyou for yor responses i know i was going to be the annoying guy who asks he same questions everyday i just wanted to know your views on it. Cheers Bear as well for the nice welcome, ill defo stay around on the forums could defo learn a thing or 2 . yhhh BBrian i didnt wanna sound all big headed and stuff in my post and at the moment especailly in the last few months ive drastically tranformed my diet and found a shake that i really benefit from and enjoy taking my gains have been far more noticeable especially in my strength. Bear i had a look at undeveloped Endocrine & HPTA systems and yhhh i dont think cycling at my age is really worth it, like shuting down my natural hormone production and i wasnt a fan of penis proplems lool and all the other little proplems i ma experience. cheers though guys gives me a better perspective now on steroids and i think ill wait atleast another 3 years until i rethink my options.

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