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  1. #1
    stephenschmidt1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Analyze my cycle im a newbie and the idea of a cycle sounded like a great idea. So instead of doing research I just took someone's advice and ran with it. (bad idea)
    Well I had shoulder surgery about 9 months ago and after rehab and everything i wanted to get back into the gym and gain some mass. I started working out hard and trying to gain, but my shoulder would get real sore and it would decrease my effectiveness in the gym.
    So a buddy of mine who I knew was on some gear told me he takes Deca and it helps his joints and recovery time. So I jumped on board.

    Started doing 600mg of Decanoate and then decided to do research. Found out deca by itself is not very effective for big gains, but honestly it did help with my shoulder. Also found out about the decrease in labido. So i decided to order some more gear to make a better cycle.
    I ended up doing 4 weeks of 600mg deca by itself before introducing 500mg of Test-Cypionate into the equation and taking L-dex as an AI. I ran out of deca on week 8 or week 4 of the Test. So i bumped my test up to 750mg a week.

    I realize this isnt the idea cycle..but im trying to make the most of it, and im seeing great results with very small side effects.

  2. #2
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    What you're doing so far is perfectly fine, it's a very good thing that you got some test into the mix when you did, and 8 weeks of deca at 600mg is ideal. But considering that you're only 23, try not to extend the cycle out too long. If you take the test for a total of 8 weeks, you've essentially run a 12 week (somewhat) standard cycle. Just make sure that you run a proper PCT with Nolvadex and Clomid for four weeks afterwards, with a 2-2.5 week gap between the cycle and PCT in order to give the cypionate enough time to clear the system. Have you been taking an AI throughout this cycle? And how much weight have you gained so far?

  3. #3
    stephenschmidt1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Okay thanks for the advice. Im just gonna run a 12 week from start of deca to end of test. I wasnt taking AI the first two weeks of deca, but i dont seem to have any negative side effects because of it.
    I was planning on starting my PCT 18 days after my last test injection and i have all the stuff to run a proper PCT. Since my little hick up ive done some research and been talking to the right people who put me on track. Its one thing for someone to just sell you some gear, but when someone actually sits down and plans everything and explains it to you then you know he wants you to maximize your gains.

    So might sound crazy, but Ive actually gained 16lbs. Im still pretty lean, havent got puffy yet, and my gains are still increasing every week.

  4. #4
    stephenschmidt1 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    btw..i posted a pic in the member pic section.

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