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  1. #1
    armisdas is offline New Member
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    Critique my summer cycle!

    Week 1-3 Winny 50mg/day
    Week 1-12 Test E/550mg/week
    Week 1-11 EQ at 600mg/week
    week 10-13 winny 50mg/day

    week 2-14 Amiridex .25mg/EDO
    week 4-14 HCG 1000IU/week
    Week 14-17 Clomid 75/50/25
    Week 14-18 Nolva 60/40/20/10

    How does it look, and where can it be improved upon?

    Also, please respect that I've chosen to keep my stats private.

  2. #2
    JDBeretta's Avatar
    JDBeretta is offline Member
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    Can't advise on the Winny...

    For the Eq, that's brutally short to run it.

    Why are your stats private?

  3. #3
    JDBeretta's Avatar
    JDBeretta is offline Member
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    And for pct, why stray away from the usual 100/100/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 (or have the last 3 weeks the same)?

  4. #4
    JDBeretta's Avatar
    JDBeretta is offline Member
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    Oh, and you might want to at least post your cycle experience.

  5. #5
    armisdas is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDBeretta View Post
    Can't advise on the Winny...

    For the Eq, that's brutally short to run it.

    Why are your stats private?
    I decided to run the EQ for that short of a time frame seeing as I would like to be suppressed for as little time as possible. I do realize that EQ should be ran for longer periods of time. But I received a a deal I couldnt refuse on the EQ, and I had my heart set on not running anything longer then a 12 week cycle.

    Quote Originally Posted by JDBeretta View Post
    And for pct, why stray away from the usual 100/100/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 (or have the last 3 weeks the same)?
    I've done a bit of reading on this forum over the past 2 or 3 months, and from what I've seen, people tend to say that 100mg of Clomid is a bit of a overkill. As far as the Nolva goes, I just figured tampering down at 10mg less per week would be a better idea.

    If you have anything supporting that 100/100/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 is crucial, please let me know!
    Quote Originally Posted by JDBeretta View Post
    Oh, and you might want to at least post your cycle experience.
    My cycle experience is limited to a dbol and test E cycle that lasted 12 weeks (6 weeks of dbol.) The reason I'm not posting my stats is because I would like to keep my identity as private as possible. Sorry if my paranoia offends anyone, ha.

  6. #6
    JDBeretta's Avatar
    JDBeretta is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by armisdas

    I decided to run the EQ for that short of a time frame seeing as I would like to be suppressed for as little time as possible. I do realize that EQ should be ran for longer periods of time. But I received a a deal I couldnt refuse on the EQ, and I had my heart set on not running anything longer then a 12 week cycle.

    I've done a bit of reading on this forum over the past 2 or 3 months, and from what I've seen, people tend to say that 100mg of Clomid is a bit of a overkill. As far as the Nolva goes, I just figured tampering down at 10mg less per week would be a better idea.

    If you have anything supporting that 100/100/50/50 and 40/40/20/20 is crucial, please let me know!

    My cycle experience is limited to a dbol and test E cycle that lasted 12 weeks (6 weeks of dbol.) The reason I'm not posting my stats is because I would like to keep my identity as private as possible. Sorry if my paranoia offends anyone, ha.
    Your choice on the Eq. I understand your logic there. That being said, you'll likely just be starting to see how Eq makes you look a little different and then you'll have to stop.

    As for the PCT, the only evidence that I have regarding that is that that is how I have run PCT. But, I ran the 100 in the first week only, then 50 for the rest. Same for Nolva, except with 40 followed by 3 weeks of 20. I think in the PCT section there're studies posted saying the effects on LH/FSH levels from use of Clomid/Nolva.

    Paranoia will destroy ya!! Ha.

  7. #7
    BBrian is offline Productive Member
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    The only thing you're going to benefit from by taking that much Equipoise for that long is an increase in appetite. If you got it super-cheap, well, why not, right? But aside from that, you're simply not going to experience much of a change in your physique from that compound as you have it laid out right now, so keep that in mind. If you DO want to benefit from it physiologically, and you do get such a great deal on it, I'd purchase another bottle, increase the dose to 800mg per week, and for the sake of not wasting your time, increase the length of your cycle. Otherwise, enjoy the increased appetite.

    Aside from that, I feel it safe to say that you're taking much more HCG than needed, and perhaps more than you should. I would cut that dose in half and blast the rest before PCT for maximum effect (but don't forget that due to the half-life of HCG, you need to wait at least 3 days after your final HCG injection to begin Nolva/Clomid). And on the note of PCT, just because you aren't taking those two compounds the exact same way that most do should be fine. The 4 weeks of each is simply a standard to work from, and I doubt that one less week of Clomid will prevent your PCT from being effective, especially with the presence of HCG in the cycle, so no worries there.

  8. #8
    armisdas is offline New Member
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    Thanks a lot for the responses guys! Note to self: never buy EQ full price.

    One last question; Am I timing my PCT correctly? 2 weeks after the last injection of Test, 3 after the EQ, and a week after the last dose of Winny?

  9. #9
    JDBeretta's Avatar
    JDBeretta is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by armisdas
    Thanks a lot for the responses guys! Note to self: never buy EQ full price.

    One last question; Am I timing my PCT correctly? 2 weeks after the last injection of Test, 3 after the EQ, and a week after the last dose of Winny?
    Yes, if you follow your original post in this thread, start pct 14 days after last test e pin...

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