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  1. #1
    warren916's Avatar
    warren916 is offline Associate Member
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    Two Orals, One Cycle?

    So i kicked my current cycle with Anadrol 100mg/ed for 32 days. Day 40 i got blood work, and my labs came back excellent, well except for some raise in cholesterol.

    Anyway, liver, kidneys, blood, blood count, all in great range, nothing out of range, and mostly things are smack dab in the middle.

    So my question is, since everything is fine, and so quickly, would it be safe to run another oral maybe near the middle/end of my cycle? Im thinking probably dianabol , or tbol...or maybe even drol again

  2. #2
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    if confused bro as to why you got blood work durring your cycle and yes people sometimes kickstart a cycle with an oral and end with an oral...most of the time people get blood work done after a cycle and pct to see when there levels are at so they can determine weather or not they can cycle again...

  3. #3
    warren916's Avatar
    warren916 is offline Associate Member
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    5500 posts and you dont see the purpose of getting labs done mid cycle?

    There are many ppl who get labwork every month, the reason being is to make sure your RBC, liver, kidneys, things like that are within range, especially when on a harsh oral, or stacked oils.

    I like to make sure im healthy, see what my liver values are after taking Anadrol for 32 days, and check my cholesterol. Many men get super high RBC just with a HRT dose of test, high RBC can cause a variety is bad shit..including lung, heart, kidney can cause bone marrow disorders. These are all things that if high for 18 weeks straight can cause issues...

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    i think when you hear people say not to take two orals, i think they mean at the same time due to stress on the liver. it may be possible to reduce the dose of orals, say to half what you normally would take, and take two at the same time. But ghetto is right. there are some that will take an oral at the beginning and end of a cycle, not at the same time. if blood work shows liver not stressed, should be g2g. Still take your liver protection though.....

  5. #5
    < <Samson> >'s Avatar
    < <Samson> > is offline Neurologically Intact
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    I was considering a very similar cycle for my next one.

    8 weeks, first 4 with A-Bombs & last 4 with Anavar . But, dianabol would be good too.

    Just liver damage scares the shit out of me.

    After blood work post cycle of the one I am on, I might consider it.

  6. #6
    SG2009 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    So i kicked my current cycle with Anadrol 100mg/ed for 32 days. Day 40 i got blood work, and my labs came back excellent, well except for some raise in cholesterol.

    Anyway, liver, kidneys, blood, blood count, all in great range, nothing out of range, and mostly things are smack dab in the middle.

    So my question is, since everything is fine, and so quickly, would it be safe to run another oral maybe near the middle/end of my cycle? Im thinking probably dianabol , or tbol...or maybe even drol again
    why are in a rush? why not wait a bit, say 3to4 months and start another cyckle?

  7. #7
    warren916's Avatar
    warren916 is offline Associate Member
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    Where did you get im going to start a new cycle?

    I cycle once per year, and would like to get the most out of it.

  8. #8
    stpete is offline Banned
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    I don't see a problem in it.

    Have fun.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by warren916 View Post
    5500 posts and you dont see the purpose of getting labs done mid cycle?

    There are many ppl who get labwork every month, the reason being is to make sure your RBC, liver, kidneys, things like that are within range, especially when on a harsh oral, or stacked oils.

    I like to make sure im healthy, see what my liver values are after taking Anadrol for 32 days, and check my cholesterol. Many men get super high RBC just with a HRT dose of test, high RBC can cause a variety is bad shit..including lung, heart, kidney can cause bone marrow disorders. These are all things that if high for 18 weeks straight can cause issues...
    fair enough bro to be honest ive never thought about doing it as you say mid cycle(32 days?) it just seemed early and if you where just starting a new cycle i cant imagin that your lipids would be so out of wack so excuse my ignorance.....

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