I did my first inject last night. Idk what it is but iv been able to eat way more than usual, this is a problem because I'm currently cutting. Trying to stay around 6-7% bf. currently 5 9 175 lbs at 7% I'm also on clen 2 w on 2 week off. Iv already put down 200g of protein and it's 2 pm and I haven't even hit the gym yet .... Am I going to get fat? or does test help keep the fat off? I eat extremely clean though. For breakfast I had a large can of Tuna ( 50g protein ) and oatmeal and three egg whites and a protein drank. Was hungry a hour later... And at lunch I had same amount of Tuna + eight eggs ( only three had the yolk) and more protein drank and was hungry ten min later and ate a massive protein bar