Alright there fellas. Ive been hanging around this board for a while but this is my first post and wonder if you guys could critique my cycle. Im looking to cut up for summer but cant get my hands on many of the things most people stack on here. Therefore was going to run
Deca 200ml weeks 1-8
Winny tabs (50mg) ed weeks 4-8
Proviron 25mg ed (havent got this yet)
ECA and Clen two weeks each.
I was just wondering when to start the ECA and Clen, should i run it all the way through or wait till week 8 till i start.
My stats are 5'8, 195lbs, about 12-14bf. This will be my third cycle in about 2 1/2 years (previous ones were test enth for five weeks and d-bol, test enth and deca).
I dont want to put on much more weight coz my g/friend will start to become suspicious just want to tighten up and see my abs again. Ive got the cardio and diet in check.
Secondly my mate bought Sust 250 from Organon. Its got Portuguese writing on the side with the words Val ate then 2006/2007 wrote beside it. Is this legit and just the best before date, its not stamped its just printed on the packaging. Look forward to hearing your responses.