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  1. #1
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Stats before/after
    180 - 205lbs
    Stayed lean throughout (top two abs clearly visible)


    Monday - off
    Tuesday - Chest/Triceps
    Wednesday - Back/Biceps
    Thursday - off
    Friday - Legs/Shoulders
    Saturday - Fullbody


    Test E: 500mg, 12 weeks
    Arimidex : 0.25mg EOD weeks 1-14

    HCG : 500iu per week, weeks 9-14

    Clomid: 100/100/50/50
    Nolva: 40/40/20/20

    2 weeks after PCT and I feel great.


    7am - 3 boiled eggs with a protein shake and 100g oats, green tea

    1pm - 3x can tuna with 100g pasta and salad

    7pm - 200g chicken with 100g brown rice rice and brocolli

    12pm - 3 boiled eggs with 2 slices wholemeal bread and a protein shake

    300g pro
    300g carb
    100g fat

    I use different oils sporadically to up fat intake.
    Last edited by AasBrah; 04-29-2012 at 05:25 AM.

  2. #2
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah
    Stats before/after
    180 - 205lbs
    Stayed lean throughout (top two abs clearly visible)


    Monday - off
    Tuesday - Chest/Triceps
    Wednesday - Back/Biceps
    Thursday - off
    Friday - Legs/Shoulders
    Saturday - Fullbod
    Question? Or you just here to say your still alive after making a very uneducated decision and one that everyone on this board everyone strongly advises against.

    Out of curiosity can you please layout your cycle and pct for ppl to look at, and possibly help you with recovery as it is too late advising you not to cycle now...can at least help you recover from the damage you have caused

    Btw how are your blood levels looking post cycle compared to pre cycle?............

  3. #3
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by auswest

    Question? Or you just here to say your still alive after make a very uneducated decision and one that everyone on this board strongly advises against.

    Out of curiosity can you please layout your cycle and pct for ppl to look at, and possibly help you with recovery as it is too late advising you not to cycle now...

    Btw how are your blood levels looking post cycle compared to pre cycle?............
    Sorry I clicked send far to early on OP.

  4. #4
    traindude is offline Junior Member
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    Are you trying to prove is wrong?

    It's very interesting since I read this thread before and you came up?

  5. #5
    auswest is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah

    Sorry I clicked send far to early on OP.
    Well you obviously read up on how you should be cycling, and recovering, however you have overlooked the most important point regarding your age... Seriously have a good read and long hard think about considering doing this again in the future ( preferably 7 years ).

    Just cause you feel fine today isn't bad but doesn't mean a hell of alot either,, you may not be out of the woods yet, and you really have no idea what effects this may have had on you. and if continue down this path you're in for troubles a little later on in life..
    You're 18 bro enjoy the already high hormone levels.

  6. #6
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
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    Let us know in 5-10 yrs if you were able to stay of TRT.

  7. #7
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    I read through that thread and it seems like he has a whole host of life problems and seems to be shifting the blame solely onto a single reason, its probably easier for him to blame everything on a cycle he did at 18 rather than face up to some real reasons to why he has severe depression, bad insomnia ect.

    I would like to know what he ran? HCG use if any? What sort of body conditioning he had pre cycle?

  8. #8
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    So HCG will stop your undeveloped systems from being damaged? HCG will keep you from getting low Test. related depression?

  9. #9
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    And if you don't like THAT particular example, there are hundreds more to choose from the didn't have any "underlying issues" that you seem to think were the culprit here. But coincidentally, the rest of the story matches..............yep.................its all just one big coincidence................there's no truth or lesson to be learned in it, its just one identical story after another, after another, after another.'re all justifications & arguments until suddenly you're one of the statistics...................

    No flaming..
    Last edited by Matt; 04-29-2012 at 12:05 PM.

  10. #10
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    ^ Your no doctor, your knowledge comes from research papers, studies and the very little information in medical journals about anabolic steroids .
    There is very little information out there that show the dangers of AAS use let alone in teens.
    Roiders are a very small subculture we dont attract mainstream medical attention there are no documentary's about AAS use on TV. Most of the widely accepted information is just educated guessing.

    I took every precaution I could take and studied well.
    I know people running deca and tren e on their first cycle using a test booster as there PCT.
    They will have problems long before I will.

  11. #11
    Super-Chump's Avatar
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    Please read the board rules before posting again......

    No flaming....
    Last edited by Matt; 04-29-2012 at 12:08 PM.

  12. #12
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    ^ Your no doctor, your knowledge comes from research papers, studies and the very little information in medical journals about anabolic steroids .
    There is very little information out there that show the dangers of AAS use let alone in teens.
    Roiders are a very small subculture we dont attract mainstream medical attention there are no documentary's about AAS use on TV. Most of the widely accepted information is just educated guessing.

    I took every precaution I could take and studied well.
    I know people running deca and tren e on their first cycle using a test booster as there PCT.
    They will have problems long before I will.
    You didn't answer my question mr research. Don't try to avoid it just cause you don't want everyone to see how truly uneducated you are about cycling.............
    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    So HCG will stop your undeveloped systems from being damaged? HCG will keep you from getting low Test. related depression?

  13. #13
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super-Chump
    Lol you are a wanker mate. Everyone here is trying to help people stay away from AAS when they are not ready for it and you've just ruined that. So many kids will look at this post and think its fine to cycle when they are 18. Btw..

    1. Your split is f*cked
    2. Your diet is f*cked
    3. It seems you have educated yourself about the correct cycle protocols. I'm sure during your research you would have stumbled upon the thousands of threads of people either advising others not to cycle too early or the stories describing how they are permanently damaged due to cycling to young
    4. What the f*ck is the point of this thread?
    5. GTFO
    People make there own decisions like I did about cycling.

    I was well aware of the dangers of cycling at 18. I have accepted:
    - I wont get any taller or wider. Due to my growth plates fusing early
    - I may have reduced test and never completely bounce back to pre cycle levels
    - May require TRT and have libido and erection issues when I'm still young

    So if your 18 and reading this the above has to be accepted before you cycle as it will happen.

    As for your post

    1) No its isnt
    2) No it isnt
    3) I accepted the risks before pinning.
    4) To show it can be done
    5) Nah you GTFO

  14. #14
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    So HCG will stop your undeveloped systems from being damaged? HCG will keep you from getting low Test. related depression?
    Im saying HCG is a must for cycling young, every tool has to be used towards a good recovery.
    As I said I know people my age running stupid compounds at lengths that show they dont know anything about what they are doing. They use over the counter PCT gear.

    Intelligent use of HCG on cycle along with clomid and nolva is the best way to recover.

  15. #15
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    In one breath you discredit & deny the dangers of cycling too young........
    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    ^ Your no doctor, your knowledge comes from research papers, studies and the very little information in medical journals about anabolic steroids .
    There is very little information out there that show the dangers of AAS use let alone in teens.
    Roiders are a very small subculture we dont attract mainstream medical attention there are no documentary's about AAS use on TV. Most of the widely accepted information is just educated guessing.
    And in the next, you admit & acknowledge the dangers...........
    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    People make there own decisions like I did about cycling.

    I was well aware of the dangers of cycling at 18. I have accepted:
    - I wont get any taller or wider. Due to my growth plates fusing early
    - I may have reduced test and never completely bounce back to pre cycle levels
    - May require TRT and have libido and erection issues when I'm still young

    So if your 18 and reading this the above has to be accepted before you cycle as it will happen.

  16. #16
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    And you STILL haven't answered my HCG questions mr. research....................c'mon man, show everyone how much you know.................Google must be running slow today.....

  17. #17
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    I'm saying there is little research done on AAS as a whole especially in adolescents.

    Estrogen closes growth plates, estrogen gets higher than normal on cycle even to the point of gyno.
    Therefore growth can get stunted and yes mine probably is.

    Its about taking all precautions and using all information available before using that first needle.

    Seperating hard facts from guesswork and making a decision on the risk to benefit ratio of what you are doing. Always keeping in mind the worst scenario.

    Growth stunting is a risk I decided to take as im 6'1 and happy with my height and width. Its not the same for everyone.

  18. #18
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    And you STILL haven't answered my HCG questions mr. research....................c'mon man, show everyone how much you know.................Google must be running slow today.....
    Its on the previous page...

  19. #19
    big88sub's Avatar
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    Gettim bear. This kid just decided that just because there is no real study's on how aas is going to mess him that he said to himself shot must be nothing will go wrong. Like I've said before these retards will wean themselves out. I like the fact that I can still produce my own testosterone because I decided not to use aas at a young age I didn't even touch test boosters till I was 25. Would you like to know why because an older gentleman that looked liked he used aas advised me to stay away from anything that messed with my hormones in my teens. He said the same exact stuff these vets are sayin about cycling to young you can damage stuff. Shit my battery is dying gotta go.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Let us know in 5-10 yrs if you were able to stay of TRT.
    I dont think we will have to wait that long, Typically it between 6mo - 2 years we hear back with the HELP post.

    Good luck OP, as most of us have learned live goes on after 25 and all of the sudden 30 is just around the corner and when you look back you start saying I should have, could have and would or would not have..... if I knew then (you did because you were warned) what you know now.

    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    I'm saying there is little research done on AAS as a whole especially in adolescents.

    Estrogen closes growth plates, estrogen gets higher than normal on cycle even to the point of gyno.
    Therefore growth can get stunted and yes mine probably is.

    Its about taking all precautions and using all information available before using that first needle.

    Seperating hard facts from guesswork and making a decision on the risk to benefit ratio of what you are doing. Always keeping in mind the worst scenario.

    Growth stunting is a risk I decided to take as im 6'1 and happy with my height and width. Its not the same for everyone.
    You will never convince most of us who have been here a couple of years because we have read far to many post from kids exactly like you who did what you did and later came back asking for help. We see them almost daily if you bother to look for them. I can guarantee you that MOST of them never bother to come back, ask for help, realize what is wrong or just to embarrassed because we told them not to cycle also.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 04-29-2012 at 07:50 AM.

  21. #21
    FCVtec's Avatar
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    I don't even need to read it anywhere, the sheer amount of "HELP" my d*ck doesnt work posts by teenagers speak for themselves. And those are only the ones that choose to post, and that actually got the worst of it right away. Can you imagine how many more don t post anything, or only get in trouble after the second or thrid cycle? If you think about it, it actually happens a lot! There are teens screwing their HPTA up every day and the countless "HELP" threads here and on other boards are EVIDENCE of it. OP, I hope you are one of the lucky ones. I see dedicated youngsters at my gym making awesome natty progress, you just dont wanna put in the work.

  22. #22
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    I don't even need to read it anywhere, the sheer amount of "HELP" my d*ck doesnt work posts by teenagers speak for themselves. And those are only the ones that choose to post, and that actually got the worst of it right away. Can you imagine how many more don t post anything, or only get in trouble after the second or thrid cycle? If you think about it, it actually happens a lot! There are teens screwing their HPTA up every day and the countless "HELP" threads here and on other boards are EVIDENCE of it. OP, I hope you are one of the lucky ones. I see dedicated youngsters at my gym making awesome natty progress, you just dont wanna put in the work.
    Thats where you are wrong, I trained from 14 to 18, went from 134lbs to being a little over 180 within that time. I know how to eat and train to get the results I want.
    Its not like you dont need to work on steroids either, thats something an uninformed natural would say.

  23. #23
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    Thats where you are wrong, I trained from 14 to 18, went from 134lbs to being a little over 180 within that time. I know how to eat and train to get the results I want.
    Its not like you dont need to work on steroids either, thats something an uninformed natural would say.
    So were you not happy with this progress?

  24. #24
    Super-Chump's Avatar
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    ^ Lol. Using steroids makes it a whole lot easier especially when you are not at your genetic potential.

    You've been training for 4 years hey? Kudos... but if you don't realise how your split and diet is not ideal then you are either ignorant or stupid. If you have gone to all the trouble to research AAS yet you don't know how to train and eat properly my guess is stupid.

    Good luck though. I hope all goes well for you, your progress and your soon to be limp dick.

  25. #25
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    how many of your remember training at 14, 15, 16? How many of you can say your training and diet was good? I'm guessing near Zero and I DOUBT the OP is any different. IF he thinks his training was really good as well as diet between 14-16 then obliviously he is still clueless. OP check back with us when you are 30 and tell us again how much you knew at 18. LOL You may not get it now but I bet you will in another 10+ years.

  26. #26
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Super-Chump
    ^ Lol. Using steroids makes it a whole lot easier especially when you are not at your genetic potential.

    You've been training for 4 years hey? Kudos... but if you don't realise how your split and diet is not ideal then you are either ignorant or stupid. If you have gone to all the trouble to research AAS yet you don't know how to train and eat properly my guess is stupid.

    Good luck though. I hope all goes well for you, your progress and your soon to be limp dick.
    Ive used that split since I started pretty much, although I have went through periods of GVT, 5x5, FST-7 and I tried HST once, this was all in my first few years as an attempt at getting bigger faster.

    The diet I have been using for about 18 months.

    Ive went from 134lbs to 205 in 4 years whilst never losing too many abs, so my diet and training cant be that bad.
    What is not ideal about it in everyones opinion?

  27. #27
    AD's Avatar
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    Life is like this. It will reward you in ways that you never imagined. For all the kids that won't wait before juicing, Life will grant you a gift called TRT. A lifetime of juicing, forever more.

  28. #28
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Which is it, 134 to 180 in 4 years or 134 to 205 in 4 years............
    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    I trained from 14 to 18, went from 134lbs to being a little over 180 within that time.
    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    Ive went from 134lbs to 205 in 4 years

  29. #29
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    Which is it, 134 to 180 in 4 years or 134 to 205 in 4 years............
    134 to 180 natural..

  30. #30
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    134 to 180 natural..
    So in 4 years you gained 45+ lbs naturally & then when you went on steroids , time stopped while you gained another 25 lbs?

  31. #31
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    So in 4 years you gained 45+ lbs naturally & then when you went on steroids, time stopped while you gained another 25 lbs?
    What are you failing to grasp about this?

    134lbs to 180lbs naturally.

    Then I cycled as above.

    180lbs finished cycle at 205lbs

    Started lifting at 14 now 18.

  32. #32
    viking88 is offline Associate Member
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    hey op, you should read some of my first post, i started cycling at 17, massive cycles of test e, deca , winstrol , anadrol , dbol , sustanon 250.

    you say you feel fine now, lol so did i, just wait a about year when you go get hormone tested because you dont feel good and everything comes back normal but you still cant get your dick up, low energy, depressed.. haha all my buddies juiced in high school. and ill admit it, it was fun. but now im thinking of going on test for the rest of my life just to feel normal. im young and im never horny and always tired (and when i mean by not horny, i mean even a hot naked girl sitting on my face still cant get me 100% up, and when i mean tired i dont mean like i yawn once in awhile i mean straight up lethargy, like you didnt sleep well the previous night) its one thing to read this and shrug it off but its quite another thing to actually feel it. to live it.. im not going to sit here and call you an idiot, because you already made the decision.

    but it would benefit you to start thinking about the future.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79 View Post
    So in 4 years you gained 45+ lbs naturally & then when you went on steroids, time stopped while you gained another 25 lbs?

  34. #34
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    I'm not the one "not grasping" You specifically said you were all natty from 14 - 18 & went from 134 to 180 in that time, after that you said you started cycling & went from 180 to 205, so if you were all natty from 14 - 18 then when did you cycle because you're only 18 now. If you're full of sh!t (which you are) I WILL smell it & I will tell you so. Your numbers don't add up.
    Quote Originally Posted by AasBrah View Post
    Thats where you are wrong, I trained from 14 to 18, went from 134lbs to being a little over 180 within that time.

  35. #35
    viking88 is offline Associate Member
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    also i was like you too, i bet you 100% you read my post and said ha whatever, you want to know why i know that? because i was on this same forum reading posts about guys saying the same thing im telling you right now, i guess thats being a human though, a guy is telling you not to jump off the cliff because he did in the past and he died a little inside, yet you still do it. arent we humans so illogical, so dumb.

    im telling you, make preparations now, i know some of these guys, well most will tell you stop doing it and just go through the pain, but if i were you , at the slightest feeling of lethargy, loss of libido, etc.. i would start running a low dose of test forever. seriously.

  36. #36
    AasBrah is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Bear 79
    I'm not the one "not grasping" You specifically said you were all natty from 14 - 18 & went from 134 to 180 in that time, after that you said you started cycling & went from 180 to 205, so if you were all natty from 14 - 18 then when did you cycle because you're only 18 now. If you're full of sh!t (which you are) I WILL smell it & I will tell you so. Your numbers don't add up.
    I cycled when I was still 18, im still 18 now.
    Birthday is 7th June 1993.

  37. #37
    FCVtec's Avatar
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    Why are you guys still wasting your finger tips with this guy... Screw him.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    Why are you guys still wasting your finger tips with this guy... Screw him.
    Itīs Sunday, weather is crap, no friends, what do you suggest?
    Online Scrabble anyone?....or keep debating cycling at 18?

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flier View Post
    Itīs Sunday, weather is crap, no friends, what do you suggest?
    Online Scrabble anyone?....or keep debating cycling at 18?
    Point taken - Off to the gym

  40. #40
    Flier's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FCVtec View Post
    Point taken - Off to the gym
    My daughter just called and asked if I want to go grab some Italian...YES! Iīm out!
    Bear, Viking, Lovebyts, the troop is getting skinny, but do not waiver, reinfor***ents will be here tomorrow.

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