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  1. #1
    BoxingSubie is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012

    Anavar and Clen for 6-8 weeks.

    So Im 24, 6'3 193 or so. Id guess around 15-16% body fat. Ya not the best shape I have been in my life. Use to throw javelin in college, and I was generally around 8-10% body fat at 198-205. I have a athletic build, not bulky what so ever. Anyways......

    I was planning on doing p90x for a month then finish the last two with anavar and clen . Ive done some research and found out some good stuff, but I was just wondering:

    What kind of doses I should take with each and should I be adding some whey protein and creatine?
    What are some thing I should be looking for or worrying about as far as side effects?
    Is there anything I should add in the stack for safety?

    Basically I'm looking to add some moderate gains as far as lean muscle and get my bf% down. Having done p90x before I know I get pretty ripped without the stack, but I wanted to try and take it to the next level. Any and all suggestions welcome.

    If anyone wants to take the time to write out a specific plan for me I would be even more appreciative, but obviously not expected.

  2. #2
    BoxingSubie is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    Nevermind, I decided not to do it. I look fucking ripped after p90x without it.

    Thanks for the replies, ahahaha.

  3. #3
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Please do some research before you just name two compounds lol!

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