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  1. #1
    lazerbeak is offline New Member
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    Apr 2012

    High Body Fay % and Winstrol

    I've recently started working out, like a year and a half ago.
    I've made very good improvements in the way I feel and look.
    I'm no longer fat looking, I look tall, bulky and strong.
    I may have probably only lost 10 pounds, but it's made a world of a difference.
    I have hypothyroidism most likely and weight comes off very slowly.
    I was just wondering what would happen if I took winstrol for a 5 week cycle, did weights 5 times a week, and cardio 5 times a week with a very clean diet with a deficit. (under 100 g carbs, over 240 g protein and low-moderate fat intake).
    I hear it's a "fat cutting steroid " but chemically, no steroid cuts fat, its the deficit and cardio that will.
    Would I lose some fat in that 5 weeks and look better? As in will my stomach be flatter?
    Will I gain some noticeable muscle?
    With a proper PCT, how would i look?
    I was planning on doing T3/Clen but I'm unable to find a reliable dealer for that.
    My stats are:
    Age: 22
    Height: 6 foot 4
    Weight: 260
    (Yes, calculating my body fat percentage is shocking. If i look up what 30% body fat looks like, It's much greater than what i see in the mirror. I don't look that fat. I have a gut, very muscular legs and back, and very wide bones.)

    Thank you.

  2. #2
    GORILLAslap's Avatar
    GORILLAslap is offline Associate Member
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    Houston, Tx
    yea bud if you think you have some kind of medical condition or throid problems i wouldent even CONSIDER thinkg of steriod use

    and your too young anyways read the educational threads

    u need a good diet and workout routine and you will see just as much results out, as u put in

  3. #3
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    You have hypo thyroid ism. And you wanna take t3? I think my buddy.has this (who does not lift or use aas) and he was so messed up until they figured it out and put him on some meds. The last thing i would do is mess w t3.

  4. #4
    GORILLAslap's Avatar
    GORILLAslap is offline Associate Member
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    Houston, Tx
    Quote Originally Posted by cebby1985 View Post
    You have hypo thyroid ism. And you wanna take t3? I think my buddy.has this (who does not lift or use aas) and he was so messed up until they figured it out and put him on some meds. The last thing i would do is mess w t3.
    my point exactly, this is what happens when people do things without putting there medical issues before there gut feeling

  5. #5
    cebby1985 is offline Associate Member
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    Feb 2012
    Yea really. Op dont even think about it til your straightened out because you're just asking for trouble. Not to mention that the meds he was put on got his body back in line and the results were like t3 lol.

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