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Thread: How should I take this?

  1. #1

    How should I take this?

    Hello all, I recently came accross your site and am glad I can post a message. I need some help as I am a first time sauzer. I am 6' 2" 197lbs and have been working out for about 2yrs. I recently came across 16 Primoteston 250mg, 10ml of Deca 200mg, and 30 ml of Estanozolol (microcristale). How should I take these? I know it is not much but would like to benefit as much as possible from them. My diet could be better but I am working on that. Also what can I take so my nips don't turn into pacifiers. Thank you much in advanced for your help.

  2. #2
    soul shaker Guest
    nolva for the nips, clomid after. wouldn't start till you get clomid. you need to get alittle more deca so you could go 400 a week, 500 a week test, 150mg a week stano. so you need 4 more amps, 1 more bottle deca, nolva, and clomid. that could be a decent 10 week 1st cycle.

  3. #3
    Thanks for the info. How about diet such as how many carbs, protein, etc.. I currently eat four meals a day and a Whey protein shake at night. I try to get in at least 200g of protein a day, but slack of w/ carbs. Anyway thanks again.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    if you are bulking on the cycle aim for 300-400 g protein (this will help the deca do its work), 300-500g complex carbs (sweet potatoe, pasta, brown rice), and 4000+ calories
    make sure all these numbers come from "clean" sources - stay away from fast food, fried foods, pizza etc
    if you eat lots of eggs, tuna, turkey, rice, pasta, chicken, cottage chesse you will see the benefits... especially from a cycle that has 400mg deca and 500mg test
    however,make sure to have clomid for post cycle and antie (nolva, arimidex, proviron)
    at your size you need to eat at least 5-6 small meals a day... and have a no carb protein shake (20-40g protein) everyday before bed!
    good luck

  5. #5
    Thanks for the info MM. I'll defenitly take your advice and get the extra stuff. I'll start my grocery shopping tomorrow. I guess the hardest part for me will be getting in the meals, but it is a must. Thanks again. This year I'm asking Santa for 20 extra pounds!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    good luck with the cycle... when you finalize what you are doing post it so that i can see and critique it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Oh... and... what is your bf, how old are you, what is your workout history, do you take any sups?

  8. #8
    I'm 27, don't know b/f and have been working out 2yrs 4x a week. For sups all i take is couple aminos and Pure Whey shakes and bars. Also do you know of anything natural that I can take for the nips in case i can't get nolva.
    As for workouts I train fairly hard my routine is
    Mon: Chest, tricep
    Tue: Back, bicep
    Wed: Off
    Thurs: Legs
    Fri: Shoulders
    2x wk forearms, abbs, and calves

    Feel free to recommend any changes.
    What about you? from the pics you look impressive. What are your stats and cycle history?

  9. #9
    The Iron Game Guest
    why would you want to put drugs in to your body when you can gain a lot more naturally in 6 months? Im sorry but was reading inbetween the lines in this post and you really need to make some changes.

    Diet - eat at least 5 whole food meals a day high in protein and add 2-3 shakes inbetween.

    Training - if you train really hard then lighten off a bit

    Supplements - (creatine, glutamine, alpha lipoic acid)

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I think IG is right. from what i see you need to make some diet change first because its the diet that actually has the MOST influence on muscle growth. Why you want to use by the way?
    I have a very planned out diet and workout routine.
    I use creatine, glutamine, and protine... ALA is a great idea as well, although i dont use it.
    there are no sups on the market that will help you prevent gyno so find nolva or proviron or arimidex before you do anything... DONT START A CYCLE WITHOUT THEM.
    you have only been working out 2 years and with the minor diet changes, you can probably make really strong gains. try them for a month or two and see what happens. I train a hockey player who was 6'3' 185 when i started with him. after 3 months of training he went to 220 being only 8-9% bf... diet changes are critical!
    if you have any questions PM me.
    I am on a rountine now that is
    m chest shlds abs
    t legs
    w back arms abs
    t off

    i am only 5'5''... i weigh a bit over 180 at about 10% bf, hope to be 200 soon enough.
    good luck!
    I am on my first cycle right now just so you know and although i am telling you and so is IG NOT to use and make some other changes you may want to decide to go for it, listen to yourself and decide for yourself... but seriously research because there are things you may not think of before you start!

  11. #11
    "why would you want to put drugs in to your body" Is this or Thanks for the help Mr. Simmons, but the Meal-A-Deal program does not work for me!

    MM, I am in no hurry to shoot up! I will definetly change my diet and concentrate on getting my meals in every day along w/ the supps. By the way have you heard anything on the Meal Caculator that is advertised on this site? If so what do you think about it.
    As for why do I want to shoot up. Well I have been training for 2yrs and I have gained strength but not to much weight. I keep getting more and more "ripped" I figure I have it, might as well use it. Also would like to see what all the hype is about, and I want to throw 3 plates around. I think w/ the proper diet for a couple mo. and the sauze right after. I should be able to reach my goal.
    Thanks for all the Medicine Man

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by captmig
    "why would you want to put drugs in to your body" Is this or Thanks for the help Mr. Simmons, but the Meal-A-Deal program does not work for me!
    Sounds a little disrespectful to me. IG is one of the most respected mod/vets in this game....and every other board out there will agree with that assesment. Here's my advice....if you want respect...give it. If you want to stay here as a helpful, productive member, please don't flame a moderator again. This is NOT a threat...just a friendly reminder.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    you are right pete, he was wrong from flamming a mod, however i think he was being sarcastic seeing that everyone here is so apt to telling guys to do tons of gear. capt ... a change in your diet will do you wonders. try to eat many small meals, up the protein intake, eat more clean and workout only 4-5 days a week hardcore and i suspect you will see drastic results. many of my clients benefit as much as some gear users by a change in diet and in motivation. that is what IG is saying and that is the advice i am going to give you, the bigget you get with out, the better off you will be if and when you do decide to use.
    good luck


  14. #14
    Not disrespectful, but sarcastic, and mabye a little vicious, excuse me. Hey, I'll try sweating to the oldies if it works!
    Seriously their is no doubt that I would rather gain without, and MM I will get tough on my eating habits. Thanks again you have helped me out w/ the info. and also have a sense of humor.
    I'll keep you updated on my progress.


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