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  1. #1
    Wlf is offline New Member
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    May 2012

    Newbie questions, dug through the info but no clear cut answers to my questions

    First off, I've never done a single cycle. I'll be 40 as of June and have been training since 27. My bodyfat is currently 18% but three months ago was 13% (My job is in the oil field and eating clean is very difficult to do living out of hotels and trucks, especially with mostly sedentary types always expecting me to come with them for meals) To be honest, I let myself slip. I have a health and exercise sciences degree and know quite a lot about nutrition for the average person and the athlete. Genetics seem to be the thing holding me back from the physique I want.
    So to sum up, a new hire came to work for us and he was complaining about his weight gain and we discussed his eating habits. I gave him some advice and he said he would trade me something for a nutrition plan. So I worked him up a plan for a now sedentary former athlete. And he dropped a plastic sack in my duffel bag.
    This is what it contained:
    10 syringes (big scary looking needles on them)
    10 alcohol swabs
    1 bottle *******insert legit name here pharmeceuticals*** Sustamed 250mg/ml

    Now I'm sitting here looking at the bottle wondering just what I've gotten into, especially since the needles look absolutely huge. I've read the warnings of side effects again, both here and the texts on Nutrition for Athletes but they do not offer answers to my following questions:
    If I cycle the recommended 1ml every week for 10 weeks
    Just how obvious will it be that I'm using it? Will people look at me in a couple of weeks and whisper "he's on something"?
    Just how aggressive is increased aggression? Will it change my demeanor?
    If I cycle once and see gains, will I have to use progressive cycles in the future to maintain my gains or will it be a "booster rocket" to get me above where I've been stuck the past 5 years?
    If it is very obvious that I'm using, and my aggression is high, can I cut to 1/2 a dose and split it to two 10 week cycles and still get the same gains only less obvious and with less change to my emotional state? Or would it be fairly useless in lower doses?

    Thanks for any replies in advance.

    And yes, I'm feeling a bit out of my depth here. I want to gain lean muscle and lose body fat, but not if the side effects are detrimental. The expiration date is June of 2016 so I have plenty of time to decide.

    Edited to remove identifying reference for detail
    Last edited by Wlf; 05-01-2012 at 01:55 PM.

  2. #2
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Weird. But start reading everything you can on this sight. Use the search function Read the stickies. Do a lot of research. Then what you haven't found or are unclear on ask. But become knowledgable on the subject. Then ask what you don't know.

  3. #3
    Focused88 is offline Associate Member
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    Sep 2010
    I dont think its allowed to post brands and sh!t like that man.
    Anyway, the recommended cycle for beginners is 500mg a week.. so if you have 250mg/ml than that is 2ml a week.
    It is noticeable. But you can always say you are working out and dieting real hard, that should do it. And if they do talk about it so fvckin what? There will always be haters.
    Everyone is different. So aggresion and demeanor varies from person to person.
    Your bf% is a little high for u to cycle. Bring it down to 14-15% before cycling.
    Research extensively so you know what you are doing. For some people side effects do occur.
    You need an AI, pct, hcg (some people disagree).

    Do your RESEARCH.

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