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  1. #1
    gabry-r's Avatar
    gabry-r is offline New Member
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    Is it safe to use d-anabolic for an 18 year old bodybuilder??

    Hey there guys, I'm 18 years old, been doing cage fighting for 4 years when i was young, also went to the gym for 4 years, I've decided to get very big, thinking about jumping on D-anabol supplement, as I heard its one of the best to use, I want to get extremely massive, also I have a high protein diet and good body conditioning which will help me reach my goals faster, would you recommend it is safe for me to start using it?? as i want to get big extremely fast!! thanks for reading guys

  2. #2
    JohnnyScarecrow is offline New Member
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    Hells naw

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
    lovbyts is online now Knowledgeable Member
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    Not a good idea, here is why. Please read.

  4. #4
    gabry-r's Avatar
    gabry-r is offline New Member
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    thanks guys, but wait, I have another question, if you cant use steroids only at the age of 24 or 25 as recommended, how do i see many young bodybuilders gaining that superior size? I mean for example arnold, at the age of 20 his arms were bigger than my head?.. do you guys have any idea what can i take, out of pills, to get big without being affected?? and once again thanks for the advice

  5. #5
    Zackery's Avatar
    Zackery is offline Associate Member
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    aaw crap. Here we go again.

    There is no doubt that they used steroids to gain that size. a Autobiography said that Arnold was using steroids at 16. We're not saying that you can't use it. We just highly recommend that you don't because of the long term side effects.

    If you really have some money lying around, get yourself some of those Animal Pak supplements. I've been told those are some of the best 'natural' supplements on the market (also the most expensive). I used it many moons ago and it gave me some good results. But remember everyone will tell you that no amount of supplements will help without a proper diet and a good training program

    Good luck!

  6. #6
    gabry-r's Avatar
    gabry-r is offline New Member
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    right i get it thanks for that pal, and my diet is superior, high in protein! and i train 6-7 times a week, all i needed was advice!

  7. #7
    Zackery's Avatar
    Zackery is offline Associate Member
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by gabry-r
    right i get it thanks for that pal, and my diet is superior, high in protein! and i train 6-7 times a week, all i needed was advice!
    Perfect. Keep that up and you will see the size you are looking for soon enough. And make sure you get yourself one of those shirts that says "I'm not on steroids , but thanx for asking"

  8. #8
    gabry-r's Avatar
    gabry-r is offline New Member
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    May 2012
    ahah i will buy one cheers pal =D

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