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  1. #1
    bill24 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2012

    Testosterone receptivity question blast/cruise

    I can post this in the HRT forum if you think I'd get a better answer there, but I thought I'd start here. I've been on testosterone gel for HRT for 3 years, and this seems to work very well for me. In other words, while many people cannot achieve normal or high testosterone on gel, and swear that it's less effective than shots, I seem to have no problem with it and my baseline HRT level is above 900 ng/dl. I've been told this is partly due to genetics, and that inidividuals respond differently.

    My question is if I started a cycle (blast) with injectable testosterone, let's say test enthanate 400-500mg for 10-12 weeks, would my response to gel be affected once I go back to it? In other words, would the gel still be absorbed at the same rate to achieve ideal testosterone levels after I start it up again? I would suspect that the rate at which I absorb the gel would not be affected by a brief cycle of injectable test, but I thought I'd ask. I only have an Rx for the gel, and I hate to switch if it works. Not to say I'd never switch, though...

    Also, in case you're wondering because I get asked this often, my e2 is usually very low, DHT is usually just a bit high with the gel. Happy to share more info if it helps.


  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    The gel depends on the person. Some people respond well to the gel, some dont.
    Personally if i was on TRT, i would just do injections anyways... but as for your blasting question, i dont know that is very interesting. DHT will be higher with the gel due to it having to go through the skin 9where 5ar enzyme mainly is)

  3. #3
    bill24 is offline New Member
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    Feb 2012
    Yeah, not opposed to switching to shots eventually. Basic idea is don't fix what ain't broken for now... I do check blood work pretty regularly to be sure the gel is working.

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