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  1. #1
    Endurant is offline New Member
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    Max results, and input.

    Hello all,
    So I am a novice who has only been through one cycle and preparing for my second. I really loved the results of my first cycle which was pretty much just test based alone for 12 weeks and it netted me 25 lbs of gain. That being said I'm currently at 175 and looking to push a bit further with a second round. However with all the homework Ive done on the subject as well as the varied opinions across the "Interverse". I have several different ingredients ill be adding to my next cycle and would love some input on how to blend them in a way that would maximize my results. Along with a 3000 calorie diet which is running %40 protein and %40 carb with the remaining twenty for healthy (omega-3, and other unsaturated). I'm at %10 body fat standing at 5"9, even with the diet and great gain from my previous cycle I'm still on the lean and wirey side of a build. Anyway I'm hoping with this combo of ingredients which don't neccasserilly need to be taken in one cycle how would you guys recommend I disburse the ingredients, I'm pretty comfortable on how to wrap up pct as you can see I have plenty of tools on hand for that. Any way here's what I got, pm for pics if you would like but I like my source so far, but always looking for good input.

    1 x ANDROLIC (Oxymetholone) 50mg x 20 Tablets=1000mg
    3 x STANOZOLOL 50x 10mg. Tablets (UN) = 500mg
    3 x SUSTANON 250 x 3 Amps x 250mg/ml = 2250mg
    3x CYPIONAX (Testosterone Cypionate ) 10 x 200mg/2ml Amps = 6000mg
    1 x TESTOSTERONE GEL DISPENSER 1.5% 100ml per pump= roughly 2000mg
    1 x DECA -DURABOLIN 3 Amps x 100mg/ml= 300mg

    I will have 260 mg of nolva on hand as well in 20 mg tabs, 15000iu of HCG , and 50X100 of clomid for pct along with some proviron if need. I will simultaneously be running with a three month Accutane regimen throughout the whole cycle to bay any acne that totally blew up on my first cycle . While it looks like a bit of a hepatoxic formula (particully with the accutane on board) I will be getting a full blood panel every 30 days to monitor the progress. If you see anything Im missing or should use instead of what I have let me know. Again I dont need to use all this in one cycle but if there is a way to maximize them together feel free to point it pout. Thanks

  2. #2
    Endurant is offline New Member
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    It seems a bit of a shotgun dose but again I dont plan on using everything in this cycle just looking to see what should be used with what for best results.

  3. #3
    Bigshotvictoria's Avatar
    Bigshotvictoria is offline Senior Member
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    Wow, 2 orals. Both winny and a-bambs are hard on the liver. A-bombs are the only steroid actually linked to certain liver cancers, and liver cysts that can rupture, causing serious hemorrhaging. Before i get flamed, I'm not saying this will happen, obviously many people use it with no ill effects. Im just trying to give you an idea of how a-bombs can effect your liver, so why stack it with another methylated compound? On top of that, winny is typically used for dry gains on a cut, I see no point stacking it with serious bulking compounds like a-bombs and deca . That's just my opinion though, it's your body and you have every right to do whatever you wish to it, just make sure you know the risks first.

    Why so many different test esters? sus 250, test c, and cream? how many mg's are you planning on using? this is only your second cycle, grab the test c. Personally if it were me, I'd go 500 test c, 400 deca, .5mg a-dex e.o.d, caber on hand, 250iu x2/week hcg , Nolva pct 40-40-20-20, 2 weeks from last test injection, running test 2 weeks longer than deca.

    Of course, thats what I'd do. I can't suggest what you should do. No stats, training history, etc... provide those and a ton of people will be willing to help
    Last edited by Bigshotvictoria; 05-05-2012 at 04:59 PM.

  4. #4
    Endurant is offline New Member
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    Agreed, I will mostly be relying on the test cyp but looking to kick start and finish strong. So it may look something like 600mg of test c for 13 weeks but will most likely jump the sust in after week two and run that at 500mg alongside the cyp for three weeks, then finish off with the deca in the last two weeks with 150mg each shot. Like I said I dont need to run everything just looking for the main stack to be maximized. As far as previous training, Ive been lifting for 10 years and hit the gym around three times a week, with a 250 squat, and 225 dead lift, Most of the work is done at home where I do about 200 pushups throughout the morning and night also side crunchX150 a day, along with several other motions. Also I work construction and spend most of my day lifting drywall sheets and mixing concrete. On top of that I'm a volunteer firefighter with lots of group training at the firehouse that is fitness oriented. So the goal is not so much to gain size as also to maximize strength. Also I may hold of on the A-bombs, as I have heard they are quite toxic as well as holding off on the gel (wich was really just throw in from the source).

  5. #5
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Help me to understand something. You're 5'9" and 175 lbs. You've done 1 cycle before and you can squat 250 and deadlift 225 after 10 years of training. Are these max lifts or what? You do 200 pushups and side crunches and you want to take AAS for what reason? Not trying to be a jerk but dude this just doesn't add up.

  6. #6
    Endurant is offline New Member
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    Yes, those are max. Also most of my previous training was endurance and cardio conditioning from being in the service. Looking for the test to push me further with strength, as well as putting on the size as right now I'm still slim. And again I feel Im flying blind so I don't take offense to any input given, it's much appreciatted.

  7. #7
    600@50's Avatar
    600@50 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    With the 100 lb plates.
    Well to start IMO your goals are too fitness oriented and do not justify the use of AAS. With 10 years of training your lifts should be much higher but the fitness focus is holding them back. First you must define your goals and lay out a plan on how to achieve them. You need to research the workout and nutrition forums on this site and figure out what you want to accomplish. At 3000 cals your diet is way lacking to gain size with the amount of energy expenditure from work and training. A couple of years of hard and heavy natural training will also help protect the tendons and ligaments if you want to cycle later.

  8. #8
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    IMO as long as your healthy and feeling good, it doesn't matter how much weight you use......technique and intensity are very underrated.

  9. #9
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    This must be a joke wat the heck you doing aas for?You have no experence lifting you have no base.Not being rude but you must have looked like a flag pole.Something is wrong in everything you do bro.Maybe Samson can help you.

  10. #10
    gonzo6183's Avatar
    gonzo6183 is offline Senior Member
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    LMAO was that a lucky dip or show bad of AAS you got?

    Just been sold a bunch of random stuff some guy had in the bottom of his draw

  11. #11
    JonnyConcrete is offline Associate Member
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    Post your diet and workout plan bro. Something must be wrong here. You gained 25lbs in your first cycle, did you keep all of it? Starting steroids at 5 foot 9 and 150lbs was definately not needed!

  12. #12
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Personally, i would never add more than a singgle compouund that i have never tried bbefore to a cycle. If something goes wrong, how are you to know which new compound it is if you are testing multiple new compounds all at the same time?

    be smart and use a scientific approach mate

  13. #13
    DeadlyD's Avatar
    DeadlyD is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by songdog
    This must be a joke wat the heck you doing aas for?You have no experence lifting you have no base.Not being rude but you must have looked like a flag pole.Something is wrong in everything you do bro.Maybe Samson can help you.
    Lol!!!! ....Samsons advise is always good ...for entertainment!

  14. #14
    Turkish Juicer's Avatar
    Turkish Juicer is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Listen to what Times just said.

    Run your first cycle again, with a better diet and a more intense workout regimen this time.

    You will NOT need to stack multiple compounds for at least another 3-4 cycles to gain further LBM.

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