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Thread: Questions about Dianabol ORAL cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    BC Canada

    Questions about Dianabol ORAL cycle

    Questions about Dianabol ORAL cycle

    I am about to start my first cycle . I've done quite a bit of research but I have a few simple questions that I'm hoping someone here can answer.

    I have chosen to use only Dianabol for my first cycle.

    Please don't criticize this. I know it's non-optimal, but I dont want to use injectables.

    I have a package on the way containing 100 x 5mg Dianabol (Methandrostenolone ) Tablets,
    100 x Tamoxifen 10mg Tablets,
    100 x Tamoxifen 20mg tablets,
    and 10 x 50mg Clomid (Clomifene Citrate) Tablets.

    My plan is to take 15mg Dianabol per day for 30 days.

    Now my questions are:
    • Do I take all 15mg Dianabol at once, spaced out throughout the day, or it doesn't matter?
    • Should I take Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) from the start? (I'm assuming i should)
    • How much Tamoxifen (Nolvadex ) should I take to prevent any gyno effects from 15mg Dianabol? I have 10mg and 20mg tablets & I can split them to create proper doses. I'm just not sure what the proper proportion is for dianabol/nolvadex.
    • Can taking too much Tamoxifen (Nolvadex ) prevent gains or have some kind of negative effects? (eg. 20mg Nolvadex w/ 15mg Dianabol)
    • How much Clomid should I take after the cycle and for how long? Should I buy more? Is it necessary?
    • What is the major difference between Nolvadex and Clomid? Why does it seem that people take Nolvadex during the cycle and Clomid after?

    My stats are age 24, Height 5,11 ,weight 170 lbs, and i have been working out for three years started off at 130 but have hit a plateau

    Usually consume between 3000 to 3500 calories a day clean diet

    Goal is to get up to 200

    Hopefully I'll get some answers. It seems like people on this forum really know their stuff! Thanks in advance for the help!
    Last edited by k881988; 05-09-2012 at 09:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    You haven't gotten responses because no one will recommend that cycle. Test SHOULD be a base of any cycle.

    By doing your proposed cycle you will put on some weight and then piss it all out when you're done with your cycle. It will be mostly water... and 15mg is a little on the low side.

    I'd strongly reconsider doing this cycle unless you plan on injecting test with it. If you can't get over the fear of needles then AAS is not for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2012
    BC Canada
    Thanks for the input. I have been looking into it further and what you said is correct. Im thinking about stacking it with deca durabolin now. What gauge needle do you think is appropriate? And how much deca should I buy and how often and how much should I inject?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    from dbol only, to deca+dbol...

    you may have gotten from a bad idea to a worse one..

    if you really really really want to do a cycle, it has to be test only. look up some "beginner cycle" stickies on the Educational page

  5. #5
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    Asiandude is right...thats going from bad to worse. If you did a dbol deca cycle you can forget about sex. You ever heard of deca dick? Look it up. Again bro, you need testosterone as a base for any cycle. Actually what you need to do is some research about AAS before doing anything.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by k881988 View Post
    Questions about Dianabol ORAL cycle

    I am about to start my first cycle . I've done quite a bit of research but I have a few simple questions that I'm hoping someone here can answer.

    I have chosen to use only Dianabol for my first cycle.

    Please don't criticize this. I know it's non-optimal, but I dont want to use injectables.

    I have a package on the way containing 100 x 5mg Dianabol (Methandrostenolone ) Tablets,
    100 x Tamoxifen 10mg Tablets,
    100 x Tamoxifen 20mg tablets,
    and 10 x 50mg Clomid (Clomifene Citrate) Tablets.

    My plan is to take 15mg Dianabol per day for 30 days.

    Now my questions are:
    • Do I take all 15mg Dianabol at once, spaced out throughout the day, or it doesn't matter?
    • Should I take Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) from the start? (I'm assuming i should)
    • How much Tamoxifen (Nolvadex ) should I take to prevent any gyno effects from 15mg Dianabol? I have 10mg and 20mg tablets & I can split them to create proper doses. I'm just not sure what the proper proportion is for dianabol/nolvadex.
    • Can taking too much Tamoxifen (Nolvadex ) prevent gains or have some kind of negative effects? (eg. 20mg Nolvadex w/ 15mg Dianabol)
    • How much Clomid should I take after the cycle and for how long? Should I buy more? Is it necessary?
    • What is the major difference between Nolvadex and Clomid? Why does it seem that people take Nolvadex during the cycle and Clomid after?

    My stats are age 24, Height 5,11 ,weight 170 lbs, and i have been working out for three years started off at 130 but have hit a plateau

    Usually consume between 3000 to 3500 calories a day clean diet

    Goal is to get up to 200

    Hopefully I'll get some answers. It seems like people on this forum really know their stuff! Thanks in advance for the help!
    Dude, that is a horrible cycle. Just because you don't want to use needles doesn't mean you should say I'm just going to do a horrible cycle...Either do a good cycle or honestly don't do it at all. First off, even if you wanted to do just dbol (Which is horrible) your length and dosage isn't even good. Dbol is good is dosages of 35-50 mg per day 4-6 weeks.

    Sorry if that sounds di*k, but yeah just a waste of time and money....Dbol is typically used as a kick start for a cycle because the gains come faster. Dbol is good size and strength but it's mostly water weight...Once you stop you will lose a grip load...

    If you're gonna take the dbol I would say add some test to it and take for 10 weeks (Test that is)...

    Test 300-400 mg a week for 10 weeks
    Dbol 35-50 mg a day first 4-6 weeks

    You'll get way better gains with this cycle

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by AD View Post
    from dbol only, to deca+dbol...

    you may have gotten from a bad idea to a worse one..

    if you really really really want to do a cycle, it has to be test only. look up some "beginner cycle" stickies on the Educational page
    Lol I laughed so hard when he switched it up to deca ! Went from bad to worse. Thank god for these forums. A friend of mines went on a deca only (and by deca only I mean deca only) cycle and is now starting hormone therapy. Doctors don't even know about his steroid use...
    Last edited by Iron-56; 01-23-2013 at 09:59 PM.

  8. #8
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    i'm not trying to bash you OP, but you said you've done quite a bit of research and yet you seem to have disregarded every single positive aspect of cycling in favor of several negatives. it just doesn't make sense. do it right or don't do it at all. forget everything you think you know now and search for the beginning cycle threads and start over.

  9. #9
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    I personally do not like to advise on things I personally would not run.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Tell me wat exactually did you read.I was thinking maybe I missed something!

  11. #11
    austinite's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I personally do not like to advise on things I personally would not run.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    7 months old I think. But this is funny. Sometimes bumps are good for laughs.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by warmouth View Post
    7 months old I think. But this is funny. Sometimes bumps are good for laughs.
    haha i hadn't even noticed. hopefully this one is good for more than a few laughs though, perhaps someone will read it and actually learn from it.

  14. #14
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    I stopped reading after you said "you did alot of research and want to do a dbol only cycle".

    You should really rethink this because its plain dumb. READ our stickies for first cycles, ai's, hcg, and pct. Save your health, money, and time right now.

  15. #15
    Hey guys I just saw this thread and had one question about Deca. I'm a military guy age 29 weight 170 just looking to gain about 20 lbs muscle mass. I started my first ever cycle using dbols - deca - stus (4 things in it) I gained 6 lbs in 2 weeks - but my shoulders are sore as hell!! Is this normal??

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by GameOn4life View Post
    Hey guys I just saw this thread and had one question about Deca. I'm a military guy age 29 weight 170 just looking to gain about 20 lbs muscle mass. I started my first ever cycle using dbols - deca - stus (4 things in it) I gained 6 lbs in 2 weeks - but my shoulders are sore as hell!! Is this normal??
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