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Thread: Starting First cycle TBol

  1. #1

    Starting First cycle TBol

    hello i am about to start a cycle of tbol. i started working out about 4 months ago weighting in at 251lbs at 5'8 was abese and overweight badly i have been on a diet since losing 55 lbs i now weight 194 and have a buddy i go to the gym with tell me about tbol and how he is starting another cycle. So this is what i want to do would tbol help me get down to 175-180lbs i have stomach fat to burn still. I plan on doing bigger weight and cardio back and forth during the week. Also what should my new diet consist of pre-post workout. Plan on starting protein supplements/creatine.


  2. #2
    anyone? also my age is 22

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    AAS are not for you.. Congrats on loosing all that weight, keep on going!! You need more training experience and are Too young

  4. #4
    steriods are an illusion, and to maintain that illusion you have to become an addict and abuse the drug. Its not a magic pill, well maybe clen and t3 are magic pills, cialis to. but back on track You need to understand that you have to have solid training under your belt for years before you should think of running a cycle. dont use prohormones and dont run a oral only cycle cause you are scared of needles. Keep losing your weight and do a full body recomp, keep lifting weight and lift heavy its a long hard road but all worth it. train hard for 5-7 years, then consider doing steroids. right now you have other things to worry about. You dont want to be running these sort of drugs if your bp and cholestrol from being obese is still not in check.

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