i think im ready to begin my first cycle. Im 24 have been training for about 6years, weigh 84kg (185lbs) and 182cm tall (6 feet). My diet is is pretty good i eat the right amount of calories for weight gain and am eating the right foods as much as humanly possible for a 24yr old.
i was given a 10ml bottle of PROP and a 10ml bottle of DECA some time ago but have only decided now to use them as my gym motivation is lacking and i believe this will kick start me back into gear. I only want to do the one cycle for 2 reasons im pretty happy with my body, not looking to add much bulk and i dont have access to any more gear sort of (theres a waiting list, a long one)
Im struggling to find information relating to doing a small cycle like what i have in mind. I just get told 10ml is not enough no explanation? I was considering splitting this 10ml over 5 weeks. 2x 1ml per week (because its prop, more regular injections right?) or 1.5 per week im really not sure, looking for suggestions also should i stack in the deca or not?
because this cycle is substantially smaller to the normal, will i require anti estrogens and a PCT?
any constructive advice would be very much appreciated. OR a link to a similar forum.