The person who I plan on purchasing from has me going with, equipoise, sustanon and clenbuterol. He has quoted prices that I haven't seen on any forums.please read the rules before posting again
The person who I plan on purchasing from has me going with, equipoise, sustanon and clenbuterol. He has quoted prices that I haven't seen on any forums.please read the rules before posting again
Last edited by BG; 05-10-2012 at 10:00 AM.
Also I am 39 6'0" 230lbs. Looking to gain muscle strength and burn fat.
Also being told to take hcg. Winstrol has been made an option as long as I take fish oil tablets. HELP!!!
Can't mention prices here bud.. plus we can't know if they're good or not without the mg/ml and total ml.
The EQ, Sust, clen stack isn't a bad setup IMO, but not the best, and not for a first cycle. As a rule, your first cycle should be Test only. That way if you get any sides you know what caused it and how to correct it. If you start off taking 3 compounds you've never taken n something goes wrong it's a guessing game..
For your goals EQ probably isn't the best choice either.. EQ is good for endurance athletes but will not provide substantial muscle/size/stregnth gains.
Also, Ar-r has clen.. you can compare their prices to yours to see if it's fair
Last edited by jasc; 05-10-2012 at 09:57 AM.
Hcg would be beneficial.. It's keeps the testes from atrophying and makes recovery much easier..
No need for the winny yet
15mg? If this is your first cycle, or not, you clearly need to do more research. You don't really have a grasp on wgats going on.
Dropping bf is 99% diet, not from aas.
x2Originally Posted by cebby1985
nothing is gonna melt the fat off of you without a solid diet n excercise plan.
OP, how long have you been lifting? what is your approximate bodyfat %?
I've been lifting for 3 yrs. Don't know my body fat yet. I'm just trying to get started. I figured I could get some answers before I pull the trigger on this purchase. Also I'm not looking to be huge or deal with water gains. Just lean muscle
post a pic bro the guys here can help.You should also do a lil research so you know wat you are doing.NEVER go by wat a friend says.
Thnx song cause I've been holding off because I did a lil research on the online site and I only saw 10cc while this person keeps quoting 15cc eq and sus. I just texted him and he's gonna get back to me with the mg/ml and total
15cc of Sust probably won't be enough unless you're doing pretty low doses
I will have more info later. Thnx just trying to get it right the first time and not purchase junk or get jacked by overpaying
OK so I have more info on the stack I'm being put on. Start Dbol 20mg 100 pills 3- 5 days. Sustanon 250ml 15cc 4 weeks, then equipoise 300ml 15cc & sustanon. Plus clean. Does this work for what I'm going for, or should I go another route
Meant to say clen
That's a messed up cycle. Maybe Im reading it wrong but it looks like you're going to run compound at a time followed by another?
Tell him to.forget everything and just get more sus so you can run a nice and simple starter cycle. You can then pick up your ai and pct thru Ar-r.
Imo you could still run the clen w your sus but as said.before your diet dictates the cycle and the end results.
It also seems that your source doesn't know the difference between ml,cc and mg. 1ml =1cc and is a measurement of.volume. A mg tells you the concentration of the gear per ml.
i wanna suggest test-e and anavar but i'm waiting for the more experienced people to y/n what you posted earlier...
edit: i would get a physical first and find out what your blood pressure, body fat, basically if you are healthy enough to run a cycle. not everyone is
Last edited by str2234; 05-10-2012 at 09:01 PM.
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