I'm going to be running 250 mg of prop for 12weeks and would like to know what Arimidex dosage I should run. Am gyno prone and usually run .25ED while on 500mg of prop. Like to know if I can cut that dosage of .25 down if possible???
I'm going to be running 250 mg of prop for 12weeks and would like to know what Arimidex dosage I should run. Am gyno prone and usually run .25ED while on 500mg of prop. Like to know if I can cut that dosage of .25 down if possible???
yeah just start at .25mg and increase if you get any signs
.25 works fine for me but I was wondering if I cud do .25eod instead since I am running such a low dose of test(250mg)
yeah sorry thats what i meant, 25mg eod
Cool thanks lets see if others agree
Good advice. .25 eod is a good starting point for rim.
Started my cycle.. On week 3 currently.. My nipples have gotten a little puffier, they're not sensitive nor do they hurt though.. Is it just the fact of being on test that my nipples get a little puffy? Thinking about upping my arimidex dosage to .25 ED
IMO gyno is def something to be worried about.
If nips are puffy then increase AI dose. Are you sure your ai is gtg?
An alternative is to go and get some bloodwork done.
Ai is gtg used it before.. Guess my theory of a lower dose of test = lower dose of arimidex was incorrect in my personal case.
are you getting good results?
Good results from what? The test or the arimidex ?
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