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  1. #1
    tdub5431 is offline New Member
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    Test 400 dbol cycle...first cycle

    5"10 210 lbs .... starting 1ml of test 400 a week for 10 weeks and 20 mg of dbol for 4 or 5 weeks....just wondering should i split the 1 ml into two doses to reduce pain...first cycle hense the low dosage

  2. #2
    tdub5431 is offline New Member
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    Want size and strength...know all about dieting so save all the "you should work on dieting" comments

  3. #3
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    If pain is your only concern, 1ml will be perfectly fine. Some people split their doses more for maintaining stable levels in the blood stream.

  4. #4
    tdub5431 is offline New Member
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    Just from reading all the threads test 400 seems to hurt like no other

  5. #5
    tdub5431 is offline New Member
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    And one more question does this seem like a good cycle for a beginner

  6. #6
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    is your test400 a blend? if there is prop in it, it will be painful. but i am not sure if 0.5ml will reduce the pain from prop much.

    whats your age and bf%? you sound really big already, at 210.

    some people use a slightly higher dose of dbol . test at 400 is fine.

    consider AI and hcg while on cycle, and get pct ready before you start.

  7. #7
    tdub5431 is offline New Member
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    Nope no prop its 100mg of iso 150 mg of enan and 150 of another...26 and 16%

  8. #8
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    btw, if you're under 25yrs old, i would suggest you don't cycle. since you're already quite big, not need to risk your health to get bigger

  9. #9
    Bevsta123's Avatar
    Bevsta123 is offline Member
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    your 21 with 16% BF, get that BF down and diet properly before you consider cycling. not to mention if its your first cycle run test e on its own for 12 weeks @ 500/week injecting twice a week
    Last edited by Bevsta123; 05-10-2012 at 09:21 PM.

  10. #10
    Mr. Blackheart is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bevsta123 View Post
    ... get that BF down and diet properly before you consider cycling.
    I was about to start the same first cycle, as suggested on this site.

    My bodyfat % shot up over the past year and a half and I want to cycle on to accelerate my progress back down healthy level.
    I have a personal trainer and nutritionist so I'm trying to do everything by the book.

    In the past month I've dropped 11lbs while training resistance and cardio hard. My bodyfat is still in the mid 20s.

    I live in Bangkok, so sourcing the gear shouldn't be a problem, though I haven't found it yet.

    Should my bodyfat prohibit me from starting a novice cycle?

  11. #11
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    you should try to get to 15% or lower before you start a cycle

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