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  1. #1
    Michael21 is offline New Member
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    First cycle help - Test E and Dbol..looking for clarification on AI during cycle..

    First post, and I just wanna say that this forum has been incredibly helpful and I am sure it will continue to assist me - well done to all the contributors! Nothing worse that the bro science everyone takes as gospel at my gym. "PCT? What's that?"

    Back on track. First cycle, almost ready to go, just waiting on my PCT and AI to arrive, and fingers crossed that customs don't seize it.

    I am 25 years old, and have been fine-tuning my workout regime and diet for a solid three years now (not all that long I know, but not a complete n00b and have a little foundation at least)..just looking for that extra boost at this point. I am 6'1 at 200lbs.

    Over the last year especially, I have learnt what I should have long ago about my diet, and take care with macro ratios etc. Happy to post a day's diet up if it would help you guys to help me.

    Anyway, looking at a 15 week cycle as follows:

    Weeks 1-4: 30mg Dbol per day
    Weeks 1-15: 250mg Test Enanthate 2 x per week

    For liver protection, I'll be taking 250mg x 2 per week of UDCA.

    PCT - 14 days after last Test shot I'll be commencing PCT for four weeks. Going with Nolva 40/40/20/20, Clomid 100/50/50/50. Seem okay? I know it's pretty standard, so hopefully won't have any issues.

    AI - going with Anastrozole over Letrazole - Letrazole seems a bit of overkill for my cycle, but I could be wrong here. Now, here is where I have received some conflicting advice from many knowledgeable sources: AI during cycle or not? I am thinking of going with .25mg of Anastrozole E3D regardless, and upping it accordingly if oestrogen becomes an issue. I have however been strongly advised to only start with the AI if symptoms present, but based on my readings, it appears that it would be beneficial to take this dosage irrespective of whether gyno symptoms occur or not. Thoughts on this?

    Should I add HCG to the list? I'm thinking the Clomid and Nolva should sort things out, but happy to add HCG if it's beneficial.

    Also, anything I'm missing? Does the cycle length and Dbol boost seem okay? With spacing out Dbol dosages, I was tossing up as to whether or not I take the entire 30mg 90 mins prior to working out, or split the dosage. I'm going to go with 20mg 90 mins before workout, and 10mg six hours before or after that dosage to account for Dbol's half life. If I go okay with sides, I might just take the entire dose before working out. Sound okay? Might also try taking grapefruit juice with my Dbol. Have a link to an interesting study, but don't have a high enough post count to link it here. If anyone wants a read of it, let me know.

    I know on a first cycle it's not always recommended to stack due to not being able to distinguish the cause of any bad sides if they present, but I've taken this into consideration and am going to to include the oral in my first cycle. Also, this will likely be my only cycle..but time will tell on that one of course. Either way, I have carefully considered the inclusion of Dbol in this cycle and I have decided that I will give it a go. I will be monitoring my blood pressure regularly throughout, and am confident that I will take enough precautions and vigilance to be safe. Any other criticisms or suggestions?

    I will be looking into having blood work done also.

    Thanks in advance for any help. I think I've got my head around most of it, but always happy to receive advice, criticism and a bit of reassurance that I'm going about this the right way is always good. Anything at all I've missed or should also consider?

  2. #2
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    i would do .25 eod
    dbol I would split up through out the day

  3. #3
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    many links about grape fruit and absorption have been posted from time to time

  4. #4
    Michael21 is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the reply.

    I'll stick with splitting up the Dbol 20mg/10mg..unless you suggest I further split it?

    Was worried about crashing my levels with the AI, but I think you're right - .25 EOD sounds good so I'll alter accordingly.

    And no shit, I probably should have realised that there would already be a plethora of info on grapefruit juice on here..ha.

  5. #5
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    nothing wrong with e3d and seeing how you feel or react. .25 eod they certainly would not crash imo and adex is not as strong as arom anyways at lower e2.
    I would split 10,10,10... you will get some nice strength gains from 30mg ed
    keep your sodium and diet in check

  6. #6
    Michael21 is offline New Member
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    Sounds good! Will definitely keep diet in check.

    One more n00b question, sorry: when to start and stop the AI? Again, heaps of conflicting info on this one..

    Actually, two questions: when to start and stop the liver support? I've read that Nolva is slightly hepatoxic, so should I run it for a while after PCT?
    Last edited by Michael21; 05-11-2012 at 12:17 AM.

  7. #7
    gearbox's Avatar
    gearbox is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I actually taper done on the ai after my last pin. I also switch to prop so I don't have to wait as long for pct to start.
    I run milk thistle or liv 52 pretty much year around

  8. #8
    Michael21 is offline New Member
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    Okay cool. I'll taper down the AI over a week allowing one week off before starting PCT, and I'm thinking I'll start it one week before first shot to get the levels up.

    Will run the UDCA for quite a while then.

    Thanks again for all your help.

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