What is Anadrol used with? Anything?
What is Anadrol used with? Anything?
Anadrol is very toxic but can be stacked try test but stay away from any other oral AS and use milk thistle to the extreme
I would also reccomend using winstrol with Anadrol to combat the progesterone and water retention properties. Test is a good choice, as well.
Winstrol and Anadrol together? I'd rather shoot myself in the throat.
why? quadzilla is correct, winny and aboms go very well together - the winny will help combat progesterone sides (it wont stop them completely if you are very deca-gyno prone but it helps) - it will also help the water retention from the drol - the nice thing is that winny normally will dry out your joints and drol has the effect of making your joints very fluid so they are a perfect couple. as always with 17a orals, its important to take liver detoxifiers. also, i dont recomend using drol more than 4-6 weeks at a time, usually best at the beginning to kick start a cycle. aids patients take it for much longer and they claim it isnt liver toxic but that runs against my own experiences.Winstrol and Anadrol together? I'd rather shoot myself in the throat.
I do recommend adding test with the drol, however as it will magnify the gains significantly -also drol is not a good beginner roid - there is little need for it untill you are not making 20lb gains off of each cycle.
Im not saying that test and anadrol is safe its very unsafe but if your contemplating taking anadrol you know its not your first cycle and yove dealt with AS before. Unless your clinicly insane the reason I take anarol is get as much mass as possible and then come in with a cutting cycle
From what I,ve read Anadrol scores 10/10 for side effects and appears to be the "big boys" juice.I reckon you,ve got to be pretty exp to use those little suckers
I say eat them like tictacs LOL
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