How should I ask a guy I know at the gym if he can buy me so roids?
How should I ask a guy I know at the gym if he can buy me so roids?
Develop a friendship with him and it'll eventually come up in conversation...
or just find a legit online source, usually cheaper and wider range
Find a legit source. Asking is a bad idea unless you really know the person. Could be getting baby oil in a vial for all you know.
It takes a while to build that kind of relationship. And i'd be leary of anyone you hardly know approaching you about AAS. Hang loose and bullshit w/the guy from time to time. Maybe somewhere down the road you could bring something up about AAS.
How well do you know him? Do you know what he does for a living? does he know what you do?" Is he obviously on gear?
That question isnt that easy to answer but I would not advise you to ask anything until you have some sort of relationship built with this person first. After that it will most likely come up in conversation at some point.
Is he an undercover cop? Are you an undercop? Has he been busted and working for the cops? Is this gym known for steroid sales and is being watched? I'm too paranoid for that. It takes a long time to build that type of relationship. If you come on too strong he rabbits. If he comes on too strong you is it a set up? Just things to think about.
Yeah I can't tell you how angering it is when some kid I've never said more that "hello" to just out of the blue asks me "where can I get some roids brah" or "dude, can you hook me up"? (it happens to me AT LEAST a half dozen times a year) When you think about it, what you're really doing is insulting my intelligence, for some reason you're under the impression, I'm not smart enough to guard myself from strangers, I don't have the brain capacity to recognize & identify the danger I may be in when dealing with someone like you, that could be a cop, or working with the cops in an effort to save his own ass from the chop. Or maybe you're not a cop, but you run around blabbing to everyone "Bear hooked me up with some awesome sh!t brah!" & once again you've placed my neck on the chopping block. Or you get busted with what I sold you & to save your own ass, you turn me in. When you ask complete stranger, you presuming he's not smart enough to think of ANY of these things. If you don't really know him, don't's insulting.
Well I havent talked to him in about six months but ran into him at a new gym I joined recently. I use to throw hay with him and I probably will again sometime in june. I just dont really know how to bring up AAS in a conversation.
The more you get to know him and train around or with each other it will come up. If he obviously uses, once he can trust you enough there is a good chance the topic will come up at some stage or another. After a while I have noticed people approaching me to see if I wanted any rather than them wanting some, give it time and get to know people. Plenty of people in gyms trying to make $$ on the side. But something that requires alot of trust.Originally Posted by Terminator10
If someone I didn't know asks me, I play dumb, you just can't take that risk. I have no know someone well to admit to anything, and I don't feel to comfortable helping someone out that hasn't used before and lacks knowledge or looks like they're far from ready. I just don't need the bs
Last edited by auswest; 05-12-2012 at 10:31 AM.
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