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  1. #1
    motivatione is offline New Member
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    Cool gains baby, gains!!

    To start off, I am a 22 years old, 160 lbs, and 5'10"

    I have been an athlete my whole life and work out at least 3x/wk.
    I have been keeping track of my progress, and have seemed to hit a plateau. I am soon to begin bulking up and eating a shit ton of food to really start putting on pounds. I have done some good amounts of research into the effects of steroids , but still want to know more before I put anything in my body. Pick at some more educated brains in this situation.

    My question is, while I'm trying to bulk up, does anyone have any suggestions for what types of ster. to take? Pure test? Deca ? How long of a cycle? What all to incorporate with that cycle? And what results you experienced if your my age or know someone who took ster. at my age.

    Would really like to start seeing huge improvements in physical appearance.

    Dont hesitate to answer with your thoughts as I would value your complete honesty about taking.

    When I do start taking, I will end with a PCT so that I dont/limit any negative results.

  2. #2
    The Bear 79 is offline Banned
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    Your stats indicate your diet & / or training are insufficient, I'll bet breaking through this "plateau" you've hit is as simple as increasing your intake & possibly making a few tweaks to your training regime. Have a look at this also.
    Last edited by The Bear 79; 05-12-2012 at 05:35 PM.

  3. #3
    Capebuffalo's Avatar
    Capebuffalo is offline - MONITOR -
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    Diet diet and diet. Go to the nutrion section and post your diet. Let them help you. Go to the training section and do the same. You have a lot of natty growing to do. It can be done.

  4. #4
    Times Roman's Avatar
    Times Roman is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome to the board mate!
    you may have hit a plateau based on what you are currently doing. you are currently working out at least 3x a week? for you to grow, you need consistancy, so i would expect your answer to be a definate 3x or 4x or 5x or 6x a week and not "at least". Seeing as you said only 3x a week, you can easily squeeze in two more days a week, and this will definately help you bust through your "plateau". You need to work more/harder. secondly, you are pretty light for 5'10" and to be thinking of "shortcuts" by taking steroids . My son is a tad younger than you, hits the ggym consistantly 4x a week, and knows his BMR, TDEE, and all the macros of everything he eats, every day. He is beginning to bulk up nicely, riding the wave of his natural but increasing testosterone levels . What about you? Do you know your BMR, TDEE, and journalize all the macros you eat every day? How many calories do you consume over your TDEE? Here's the thing, if you start a cycle, but don't eat sufficient to support your gains, when you come off cycle, YOU WILL LOSE YOUR GAINS DUE TO INSUFFICIENT DIET TO SUPPORT YOU NEW FOUND GAINS!!!! (did you know that??) and finally, you are a bit young to be thinking steroids. You should wait until your mid twenties to allow your hormonal system to develop and mature naturally. Taking steroids now will hinder this development, and probably prevent you from hitting your genetic potenttial.
    So that's a lot I jjust dropped on you. Take some time, internalize it. Then come back and read all you can about "youth and steroids", nutrition, and how to make your workout routine more robust.
    You hit a "plateau" because, quite frankly, you weren't putting much into it. Just being honest mate.
    Good luck

  5. #5
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I have to agree with the BEAR he dont give no bad advice.

  6. #6
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Welcome. Everyone above me has said the rest.

  7. #7
    motivatione is offline New Member
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    Thanks for your input. College has currently screwed up my eating/workout routine. This summer I will be fully dedicated to my diet as well as workout schedule.

    I do realize that I have a very fast metabolism, which in turn requires me to eat all the time. (which has been on the back burner due to school)
    Again I appreciate all the input.

    I will be looking for a new workout routine as well as some meal plan ideas on the web tonight.

    If yall have any information, please send it my way. Im very serious about wanting to bulk up, and really want to see the fullest potential I can make my body (naturally). I have currently been doing a lot of research into insulin and how it affects the building of muscle. Any ideas on what exactly to eat before working out? Ive read about eating simple carbs before a workout. Thoughts on this?

  8. #8
    motivatione is offline New Member
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    online calculator stated:


    Also I competed in Tough Mudder, and before the race I got my body fat done and it was at 9.8 %
    Ive found that for me to gain weight I need at least 3200 calories.

    I havent had much guidance on what to and what not to do when gaining weight the right way. Done most of the research on my own. So any advice is greatly appreciated.

    I apologize if I sound like some scrub, but I am trying...gotta start somewhere.

    Look forward to your replys.

  9. #9
    cb714's Avatar
    cb714 is offline Member
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    You gotta get the diet down first brotha. No sense in gaining a bunch of muscle just to lose it and potentially messing up your body. No shortcuts when it comes to dieting. You must be strict and you must stick to it. I know sometimes it's hard (and expensive) to maintain a diet that supports all the extra muscle but it's just the reality of the game. Eat eat eat eat and you will break your plateau assuming you are working out correctly. You can always add more days at the gym but that puts you at risk of over-training. As long as your workouts are done with INTENSITY every single rep, you do not need to work out a body part more than once per week.

    Save the AAS for after you get your diet down and after a couple more years. The recommended age to start is around 25 but if you want to start at 24 most people would not give you shit about it. At the end of the day it's your body and you're gonna do what you want but seriously, just wait a couple more years bro.

  10. #10
    AD's Avatar
    AD is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by motivatione View Post
    online calculator stated:


    Also I competed in Tough Mudder, and before the race I got my body fat done and it was at 9.8 %
    Ive found that for me to gain weight I need at least 3200 calories.

    I havent had much guidance on what to and what not to do when gaining weight the right way. Done most of the research on my own. So any advice is greatly appreciated.

    I apologize if I sound like some scrub, but I am trying...gotta start somewhere.

    Look forward to your replys.
    in the Nutrition Section, there are a few stickies on "bulking diet". you can follow those, or make some simple adjustments to suit your taste.

  11. #11
    traindude is offline Junior Member
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    Shut up and Squat!
    Shut up and eat more food!
    Shut up and read stickies!

    Last edited by traindude; 05-14-2012 at 07:14 AM.

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