what is the most potent fast acting stack out there at the moment?
what is the most potent fast acting stack out there at the moment?
A healthy diet
6 times a dayOriginally Posted by BigBosanac
not sure i understand your question
im still a newb so what im saying isnt anywhere close to fact, but as far as i know everyone prefers different combination because of different goals and different genetics i.e. everyone responds differently to a compound,so there is no one stack that is "the best" for everyone.
you said fast acting... the recommended way to cycle is to use testosterone as a base of every cycle (to replace the natty test production that is no longer being produced on cycle)
so you get test with long acting and short acting esters... the main benefit of long acting esters is less frequent injections (1-2 a week) as apposed to short acting (ed or eod)... the draw back of long acting esters is they take a while to "kick in" (usually by the forth or fifth week)... you can of course usea short acting compound like oral steroids, test prop, test suspension, etc. for the first 4-5 weeks to kickstart the cycle
the other option is
to run only short acting aas for the entire cycle (i personally think this is better if you are running anything 8weeks or shorter, as i have been advized before not to run long ester test for anything shorter than 12 weeks... but definitely dont take this as fact)
remember educate before you medicate
dont just jump into it blindly, you could srsly cause yourself harm..
so do your research and make sure you fit the criterior that most of the experienced members here will recommend, like you need to be a certain age, you need to have made a certain amount of progress natural with a good understanding of training and diet, etc. etc.
good luck buddy
and remember im also a newb so dont take my word for anything, im just doing my best to help
Stacks on naked with 2 sexy women,Originally Posted by historyinthemakin12
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