Ok guys im currently on cycle..
500mg test e e3d
200mg nandrolone dec e3d
50mg winstrol ed
100mg oxandrolone ed
heres the problem...
I started out with 20mg exemestane ed, got e2 sides... increased to 40mg. Feeling better but still e2 sides. I have found myself taking 40mg in the morning and then another 10-20mg later throughout the day as it feels like e2 sides come on. Now i cant find a definitive source for half life. Some states 12-27hrs.
Now i must admit i seem to hyperaromatase androgens. On trt dosages i needed adex and was almost at .5mg a day.
Not many people i know use exemestane so looking for feedback on others that have used it.
Im going to continue with 60mg a day. Its just some people state 12mg is needed e2d so its doing my head in.